#SmallBizChat 2nd Anniversary Show: Guy Kawasaki Shares on Entrepreneurship and “Enchantment”

This blog post marks the two year anniversary of #Smallbizchat. I started the weekly Twitterchat as an online mentoring program to fulfill my mission to end small business failure. Every Wednesday, I conduct interviews with small business experts on Twitter. I was thrilled this week to have the opportunity to interview Guy Kawasaki @GuyKawasaki, former chief evangelist of Apple, Co-founder of Alltop.com, author of the classic bestseller, “The Art of the Start”, and the author of the new book “Enchantment”.

SmallBizLady: Why did you write the book Enchantment?

Guy Kawasaki: I wrote it so that people could overcome resistance to their ideas and change the world. So that they could progress beyond “engagement” to “enchantment.”

SmallBizLady: You say Enchantment is a process, not an event? Can you explain this?

Guy Kawasaki: You can sell, market, promote, influence, and persuade a person to make a decision. Enchantment is longer lasting–it’s a mutually beneficial relationship that transcends a transaction. As such, it is much harder to achieve than a single deed, so it takes a long process.

SmallBizLady: What factors make up a first impression?

Guy Kawasaki: There are three factors: the quality of your smile, the appropriateness of your dress, and the quality of your handshake.

SmallBizLady: What are the four qualities of good positioning statement for a small business?

Guy Kawasaki: Short, clear, different, and humble. Short means 2-10 words. Clear means that you use simple, non-jargon words. Different means that your competition doesn’t use similar terms. Humble means you don’t brag about the goodness of your business.

SmallBizLady: You are really busy man and you suggest that we should all default to yes in order to be likable. How do you do that as a busy entrepreneur?

Guy Kawasaki: You’d be amazed: very few people ask you to do things and even fewer ask you to something unreasonable. The benefit is that when people like you, they do things for you too. Try it, you’ll like it.

SmallBizLady: We all know it all about like, know and trust in business, how can a start-up business owner achieve trustworthiness?

Guy Kawasaki: First, by delivering on time and at or below your estimate. Second, by taking a win-win attitude. Third, by showing that you trust your customers before they show that they trust you.

SmallBizLady: Real enchantment is about repeat business. How can you make enchantment endure?

Guy Kawasaki: The most powerful way is to deliver what you say you’re going to deliver on time and on price. Then enabling others to see that you do this–that is, to provide social proof.

SmallBizLady: What has surprised you most about running your business ventures?

Guy Kawasaki: The most surprising thing is how hard it is to make people convert to a product that you believe is irresistible.

SmallBizLady: Pricing is always a challenge for business owners. What’s your advice on getting it right?

Guy Kawasaki: Pricing isn’t a science–and I’m not even sure it’s an art. It’s primarily trial and error. I don’t see any other way to do it.

SmallBizLady: What’s your must-read resource for small business owners and Why?

Guy Kawasaki: You mean besides Enchantment? I would read If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland and Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore. The former will inspire you. The latter will scare you. Both conditions are good.

SmallBizLady: I see a lot of small business waste a lot of time chasing funding. What is your best advice about attracting Venture Capital?

Guy Kawasaki: VC isn’t appropriate for most companies. Only about 3,000 companies get it every year. You should strive for cash flow and never needing VC.

SmallBizLady: Complete this sentence: If standing on a rooftop facing crowds of aspiring or struggling small business owners, I would shout:

Guy Kawasaki: “No guts, no glory.”

If you found this interview helpful, join us on Wednesdays 8-9pm ET follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter. Here’s a link for how to participate in #Smallbizchat http://bit.ly/S797e

For more tips on how start or grow your small business subscribe to Melinda Emerson’s blog http://www.succeedasyourownboss.com.

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