Who is on #SmallBizChat January 2017

#SmallBizChat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #SmallBizChat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss.  

Please join us live on Twitter every Wednesday 8-9 pm ET. Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and click here for directions on how to join the conversation.  

In January, each #SmallBizChat will be focused on New Ideas That Move Your Small Business To The Next Level.

Here is a list of who is on #SmallBizChat in January:

January 7th – How To Move Your Small Business From Idea To Implementation, @andrena_sawyer

Andrena Sawyer is the president of P.E.R.K. Consulting, a consulting firm for nonprofits and small businesses in the Washington DC area. She is also the author of The Long Way Home and The Other Side of Assertiveness. Born in Freetown Sierra Leone, she credits her family’s move to the United States during Sierra Leone’s decade-long civil war for her interest in human triumph and perseverance. She is the recipient of numerous business and human services awards, including the 2015 Associated Black Charities award for Outstanding Small Business Leader. For more information, visit: www.thelongwayhome2015.com.

January 11th – How To Successfully Use Social Selling For Your Small Business, @mlauha

Mikael Lauharanta is a digital media authority and one of the founding fathers of employee advocacy. As the co-founder and COO of Smarp, he has helped foster the expansion of the company from the founding team to a global organization with 60+ employees and offices all over the world. For more information, www.smarp.com.

January 18th – How To Create An eCommerce #SmallBiz That Earns 5-6 Figures, @SentzC

Chris Sentz is a digital solutions leader with an extensive background in the development and implementation of customer-facing growth initiatives including marketing, interactive communications and market development strategies for the retail, consumer and high-tech industries. For more information,visit: f13works.com.

January 25th – How To Use Podcasts To Grow Your Small Business, @barbaragiamanco

Barb Giamanco heads up Social Centered Selling. She’s the co-author of The New Handshake: Sales Meets Social Media and authored the Harvard Business Review article Tweet Me, Friend Me, Make Me Buy. As a small business owner herself, Barb has spent the last 14 years implementing unique marketing approaches to drive revenue results. For more information, visit: www.scs-connect.com.

Every Thursday morning on Melinda’s blog, a complete Q&A interview from each #Smallbizchat is posted as a recap http://www.succeedasyourownboss.com

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