Who is On #SmallBizChat December 2015

#SmallBizChat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #SmallBizChat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss.  

Join me live every Wednesday, 8PM EST for #SmallBizChat on Twitter. 

Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and click here for directions on how to join the conversation.  

Here is a list of who is on #SmallBizChat in December.

December 2: How to Plan Your Entire Year on One Sheet of Paper with Laura Posey, Chief Instigator of Dancing Elephants (@dancingelephant)

Laura brings much passion to her work as Chief Instigator of Dancing Elephants Achievement Group. She is a “firecracker” who likes to create and get things done. Laura’s clients hire her to show them how to double their incomes while building companies that free up the owners to enjoy their lives. Laura knows what it takes to be successful and grow organizations quickly.  For more information, please visit www.dancingelephants.net.

December 9: How to see beyond the Vision Board in 2016 with Asa Leveaux (@MrLeveaux) Chief Strategy & Revenue Officer, Leveaux Group, Inc.

Asa is fiercely committed to guiding entrepreneurs to achieve result-based transformations. Mr. Leveaux has over a decade of organizational experience working with amazing clients, customers, employees and decision makers while guiding them to achieve remarkable success. His mission and commitments are to take you from your level of bull$#!t and give you the tools and resources that will support you on your journey to blissful success. For more information, please visit http://asaleveaux.brandyourself.com/

December 16: How to Write a Lean Business Plan with Tim Berry (@TimBerry), Founder of Palo Alto Software

Tim is a business expert, and is known as The Father of Business Planning. He is the official business plan expert at Entrepreneur.com and reads over 50 business plans per year. Tim is not just a business plan expert; he also is a successful entrepreneur. He is founder of several companies Palo Alto Softwarebplans.com, and Borland International. He built Palo Alto Software from zero to 40 employees, multimillion-dollar sales, no debt, and 70% market share without outside investment. For more information, please visit www.TimBerry.com


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