#Smallbizchat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #Smallbizchat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss.
Please join us live on Twitter every Wednesday 8-9 pm ET. Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and follow the hashtag #Smallbizchat and click here for directions to join the weekly conversation.
In November, we’ll be talking about prospecting, growing your sales, handling conflict and effectively outsourcing your marketing.
Here is a list of who is on #Smallbizchat in November.
Dianna Geairn is the Irreverent Sales Girl and is known as the champion of the salesperson who goes out every day to make something happen for themselves, their families, and their clients. Visit www.isalesgirl.com
November 8th – How to Implement Cost-Effective Programs to Grow Your Sales, @louisgudema
Louis Gudema has worked with companies from MIT startups to IBM — and everything in between. Today he is focused on helping small- and mid-sized businesses grow faster by focusing their efforts with his Bullseye Marketing Framework. Learn more at www.revenueassociates.biz
November 15th – How to Handle Conflict in Your Life and Business, @quiettherage
R.W. Burke who is a Certified Professional Coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and is the top coach on Ford Motor Company’s Consumer Experience Movement (CEM) project. He is also the author of a self-help book for business executives – Quiet the Rage: How Learning to Manage Conflict Will Change Your LIfe (and the World). Find out more at www.quiettherage.com
November 22nd – No SmallBizChat this week – HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Enjoy your holiday!
Jill Brennan is a marketing consultant for small businesses that think differently. She is a mentor and the founder of Harbren Marketing and has been in the small business trenches for around 20 years. She helps businesses to discover the top mistakes that small businesses make with their marketing and how to fix them. More information at www.harbren.com
Every Thursday morning on Melinda’s blog, a complete Q&A interview from each #Smallbizchat is posted as a recap http://www.succeedasyourownboss.com