25 Ways to Mine New Prospects for Your Small Business

We are all really in sales, no matter what we do. Selling has always been about communication and education. 21st century salesmanship leads with building the trust and respect of “who is selling” to us, rather than what they are selling. Respecting the intelligence of the consumer in the sales is an essential and smart thing to do and show. If you can find the right blend of face-to-face and online networking, you can build your brand, your reach and uncover some quality prospects all at the same time. We must give people “reasons to buy” from us, build their trust, and demonstrate our credibility by providing educated solutions and showing results.

Here are 25 ways to brand yourself and mine new prospects.

1-Chamber Membership

This has and continues to be a very effective activity and community for your local area. If you join, get involved by attending meetings, joining a committee, and getting to know people.

2-Niche Networking Groups

These serve niche categories of business that bring different kinds of business people together. Think of BNI or LeTip groups.

3-Professional Organizations

Whatever your profession is consider joining your key industry organizations and find ways to contribute.

4-Write Featured Articles

Identify the major content websites, hubs and social media sites where your industry activity happens and people engage and contact the editor and suggest some content ideas to be considered for writing feature articles. This can greatly build your reach and credibility.


Find and stay up-to-date on industry blogs and bloggers who write for them. Blogs have become content and information centers for news, tips, trends, and insights.


Having a complete LinkedIn profile is a must in business today. It is your online resume where people can find out about you before they contact you.


If you are selling direct to consumers Facebook is a must. The chances of actually generating leads and customers from Facebook are pretty slim if you’re not engaging them on a Facebook Fan Page.


Twitter is immediate, viral, focused and effective for sharing information, alerts, bulletins, breaking news, articles, and events. It’s also a great way to listen to customers and the competition.


Video combines the very best of visual, content and personality marketing. Video today can be 5 seconds to 5 hours. With YouTube, Vine, Periscope, Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo and several others, video remains a top content format.

10-Content Marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined target audience. This includes social media, blogs, articles, video, podcasting, etc.


Modern day audio interviews are called Podcasting. This platform is excellent for interviews, tutorials, panels because it is recorded and archived it can be shared at any time.


Helping, serving, giving back is an integral part of any personal or professional success. Sharing our assets and talents to further a cause is not only is this good for the soul, but you will meet people who you would not have otherwise met.


Taking on selected pro-bono projects can again yield connections, referrals and testimonials. These projects should be well researched and thought out and not be a distraction.


Referrals are the ultimate compliment that we have gained trust, results and made a contribution. Referrals should be a mutual commitment. If we get them for the right motives and intention then we should reciprocate.

15-Sponsoring Community Events

Nothing is more important than supporting the community where you live and do business. Sponsoring community events, shows your gratitude and gives you access to local politicians, residents and businesses.

16-Email Marketing

Permission based email marketing is one the most valuable, personal and direct ways to build relationships with potential and existing customers. Getting people to opt into you by giving you their email address can be gold. Use email to educate, inspire and yes sell but respect the privilege that having someone’s email address carries with it.

17-Keynote Speaking

If you are comfortable speaking in front of people, then seek out opportunities to speak for organizations that you believe can benefit from your expertise. Make sure you are delivering information and motivation that can help your audience grow. Check out the National Speakers Association if you are serious.


Webinars are another effective content marketing tool that combines web, visual and audio, so that people can see and hear speakers deliver and present online. Use webinar recordings get people to give you their email address.

19-Business Cards

A clean, well-designed business card is still an essential tool of the trade when it comes to branding and networking. A business card can make or break a client’s first impression of your company. Make sure yours are up to date and include social media contact info too.


If you are a good presenter, creating and presenting workshops can yield amazing results. It brings people together and allows them to get to know you and your attendees to network with each other.

21-Direct Mail

Direct mail can be very effective if used properly. For local retailers especially, direct mail is useful for getting leads to visit a webpage, buy online or make an appointment. It stand out if it is professional, personalized and well produced.

22-Faith Community

It makes sense that where people gather to share their faith and values would be a good place to make business connections. If you are active in a religious community, look for opportunities to let people know you are in business.

23-Grand Opening Event

Make this an opportunity to welcome people into your place of business. Host a community event to let people know what you offer. Have special activities for children and the whole family to draw people in.

24-Press Releases

Press releases are still one of the best ways to deliver information to a large number of people both online and in print. The content should include a catchy title, opening paragraph with the point of the story; background information on the company; quotes from the business owner; plus photos, video and other graphic enhancements. Journalists are always looking for good stories to publish.

25-Research, Trends and Reports

Be up-to-date on the latest research, trends and reports about your industry, market and business. Being a valued resource to educate your clients is a brand asset. Sharing trends with prospects can yield golden nuggets of leads.

Smart, purposeful networking gives you the opportunity to put yourself out there authentically and build relationships first. The selling will follow if the trust and respect are established first. Choose which activities work best for you, create a purposeful strategy and plan and be consistent. If you network with the right people, they will lead you to others and open doors for new business relationships

About the author: Deborah Shane is a branding strategist, social media consultant, featured writer and speaker.  Author of two books, #Trusthewhy, Fundamentals, Value and Humor Get You Through Anything Deborah’s articles have been featured on Small Business Trends, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Careerealism, Women For Hire and she is a go to resource for the media on NBC, Fox, CBS.  For more info, visit DeborahShaneToolbox.com or follow her on Twitter @DeborahShane.


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