7 Best Business Books for Boss Chicks

March is women’s history month. Many people are highlighting successful women from history and some modern day superwomen doing amazing things. I believe leaders are readers, so my approach to women’s history month is to offer you 7 books all written by women to guide you to a better life and business as a Boss Chick.

Here are my 7 best business books picks for women in business:

Being Boss,Take Control of Your Work and Live Life on Your Own Term by Kathleen Shannon and Emily Thompson hosts of the top-ranked podcast Being Boss.

Being Boss is full of real-life insights and bold strategies to help you define success, take charge of your day, and create the life you’ve always wanted. Each chapter covers one of the foundations of Being Boss. From being in the right mindset and having the confidence necessary to get the work done; setting boundaries to be able to prioritize and not feel overwhelmed; creating habits and routines that set one up for success; finding a wolf pack to encourage all endeavors; to of course making sure that work doesn’t define one’s life, but allows you to enjoy it on your own terms.

When She Makes More: 10 Rules for Breadwinning Women by Farnoosh Torabi

Boss chicks make money so you need a guide for how to handle that with your sweetie, husband or partner. Farnoosh has great advice for anyone in a relationship. Money can be a source of dissent for many couples and I strongly advise all women to read this book. She has great resources for managing money issues. It’s best to have a discussion about finances before you get married and this book serves as a great guide for doing so.

I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam

I really love this time management book. There was a great balance between strategies to spend your time at work or in your business better as well as making time to have fun. It definitely made me think about handling things as a working parent and consider that I might not ACTUALLY be careful stewards of my time. Laura also addresses specific issues like getting enough sleep, finding time to exercise, and time for hobbies and leisure pursuits. Her solutions are more about getting you to think differently about your priorities and what you do with your largest blocks of time.

Believe Bigger: Discover the Path to Your Life Purpose by Marshawn Evans Daniels

I am a firm believer in the role of faith in business and life and Marshawn Evans Daniels has written a book that should be a textbook on living an authentic life. In Believe Bigger Marshawn reminds us to pay attention. God is calling us to rise above mediocrity by the creating a routine of walking in faith into a life of excitement, abundance, and adventure. She shares her stories about overcoming deep disappointment and heartbreak to thrive and live successfully in every aspect of life. It’s truly empowering and inspiring.

Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington is a force of nature. I loved this book. In Thrive, Arianna makes an impassioned and compelling case for the need to redefine what it means to be successful in today’s world. As more and more people are coming to realize, our relentless pursuit of –money and power–has led to an epidemic of burnout and stress-related illnesses, and an erosion of our relationships, family life, and, ironically, our businesses and careers. She offers a new way to approach life, which is refreshing and honest.

Stop Selling and Start Leading: How to Make Extraordinary Sales Happen by Deb Calvert, James M. Kouzes, and Barry Z. Posner

Deb Calvert is a top sales expert and her new book will help us all close more business. Buyers have changed, and they expect sellers to make changes too. Today’s savvy buyers are impatient with old-school selling tactics and stereotypical sales behaviors. Consumers want sellers who create personalized value, provide a meaningful and relevant experience, and demonstrate genuine leadership. They avoid transactions when they anticipate a seller will leave them feeling suspicious, sidelined or manipulated. That’s why, to differentiate yourself, and to become a seller of choice and make more sales, you need to Stop Selling & Start Leading.

Fix Your Business: A 90-Day Plan to Get Back Your Life and Reduce Chaos in Your Business by Melinda Emerson

I wrote this book to help you go from struggling to thriving in your business. I want you to get back control of your business. Based on my 12 Ps of Running a Successful Business which each chapter in the book is based on, readers are given the option to do a deep dive of 3 key areas in your business, or to do a tune-up on all aspects of the business from Preparation to Processes to Planning and Perseverance. It’s 90-day turnaround plan to fix your business and live your dream life.

Do you have a Boss Chick books to recommend? Please share.

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