Are you finally ready to strike out on your own with your very own small business in spite of, no, because of these financially uncertain times?
Discover How to Finally…. Get Paid What You are Worth and Profit From Your Passion
If you believe the only way to build true wealth in America is through entrepreneurship then you’ve come to the right place. Here, forward thinking small business owners, solopreneurs and women in business can find resources to succeed as their own boss. Whether you are looking to become self-employed or are a small business owner with five years or less in business, or you just need to hear from a woman who has been there and done that – THIS is the place to be!
Are you tired of:
- Working in a job where you are not appreciated?
- Making money for a company when you could be making that money for yourself?
- Worrying that your job could be eliminated next?
Dear Trapped@work,
My name is Melinda Emerson and I remember when I realized being a small business owner would be my next career. I had the job I always wanted, but I was getting headaches on the way to work in the morning. The work was challenging, but not terribly important.
I knew I was capable of doing so much more. I planned my departure every minute I could spare.
I took out a home equity loan and paid off all my bills. I even paid off my car. Every week, I did something to learn more about running a production company. I looked forward to my two days off per week. I freelanced for a company like the one I was trying to start. That work was so much more fulfilling than my day job. Eventually, I learned enough to start my own business.
Right now, running a sustainable small business is getting more difficult. The skills needed to be successful in the midst of the social media revolution and the global economy puts tremendous pressure on today’s entrepreneurs.
In order to succeed as your own boss, you must to educate yourself on:
- how to build a business on a shoe-string budget
- how much profit is in every deal
- social media marketing
- how to use up-to-date financial information to make business decisions
As a business owner for more than a decade, let my experience, success and hard learned lessons shorten your learning curve as you start and grow your small business. Come back often, because we are always adding new content and great small business resources.
This blog covers these strategic topics:
- Be Your Own Boss
- Before You Start
- Branding and Marketing
- Business Inspiration
- Cash Flow & Finance
- How to Start
- Grow Your Business
- Women in Business
- Smallbizchat
- My Recommendations
Owning a small business is not a get rich quick scheme; there are no fast-food solutions. Being an entrepreneur is an evolutionary process. You must grow yourself to grow your business. To learn more about my book click here. To buy my book now, here’s a link to Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months: A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works
Invest in yourself and subscribe to this resource blog to succeed as your own boss.