How To Become a Best-Selling Author in 90 Days

Guest Article

These days, “best-selling” is a term that people throw around pretty loosely. But bottom-line, there has to be a lot of sales somewhere for the title to hold true.

So how many sales does it take? My answer is 10,000. That is a respectable number, no matter what your angle. Some argue that 5,000 qualifies as “best-seller” status. Others disagree. Whatever your number, I argue that telling all your friends to buy your book at noon on a specific Tuesday morning on Amazon to tilt the system into bumping your book to “best-seller” status in your given category with only 100 sales … is a bit fishy.

Sure, it works, but I’m going with 10,000 copies sold.

Now, how to sell 10,000 copies is usually a challenge. Most authors dream of getting full retail price for their book multiplied by 10,000 copies. Yes, the math is great in your mind, but making it happen in real life is the hard part.

Instead of getting full retail price, what if you made just $1 per book (that’s $10,000 profits), would you be happy? And what if the 10,000 copies boosted your brand, made you recognized in your local community, opened countless doors, gave you increased respect, all in addition to your coveted best-seller status … and within 90 days?

Using the Growth Plan model, you can do just that. You can actually do it in less time if you want. Either way, you will need to work hard and fast, but it is possible.

Here are the 7 steps to get you there:

Step #1 – Choose to author your own Secrets of Our Success book. Each book in the series, published by Book Ripple Publishing, has the same format: paperback, 5×7 in size, 64 pages in length … and full of 100 quotes from local leaders, businesspeople, owners, celebrities, and more.

Step #2 – Work with the publisher to create the cover of your book. Use the cover in your talking, showing, and social media efforts to generate interest in your book. The $500 cost to author a book in the series is due at this point, and that amount goes toward the cover, layout, ISBN, barcode, proofing, etc. The publisher covers the rest of the production costs.

Step #3 – Go local and gather 100 success quotes. The quotes from these 100 people will answer one question: What is the secret to your success? Every quote is followed by the person’s tagline (name, title, and short bio). Imagine a book full of 100 local leaders’ success quotes, along with their names and bios! What would the networking value be of your book that puts 100 local leaders’ words into print?

Step #4 – Explain the limitless uses for 100 or more copies. The books cost the quote givers only $2.50 each, but retail for $9.99. In addition to selling the books, they are ideal business cards and are perfect for promotion, opening doors, recruiting, prospecting, upselling, thanking, retention, giving, and more.

Step #5 – Give each quote giver the chance to buy 100 copies for $2.50/bk. Collect payments for all book orders, 100 copies per quote giver = 10,000 copies. When your book comes off the press, they will ship to you. Host a party or hand-deliver each box (100 copies/box) to your quote givers.

Step #6 – Put the quotes and taglines into a single Word document. Email the document, after 100 quotes have been collected, to the publisher. The book will be made ready and sent to press. About 4 weeks later the books will arrive at your door.

Step #7 – Send payment of $1.50/book to the publisher. The difference of $1/book (from what you charge quote givers and what you pay the publisher) are your profits … $10,000! And you will have become a best-seller!

In addition, you will have 100 local people, businesses, leaders, etc. who trust and respect you, and they know the product or services you provide. They in turn will use their 100 copies of your book to grow and multiply their own businesses. That means 10,000 local people will know about each of the 100 quote givers … and about you!

What is that worth to you and your business?

The long-term benefits from your Secrets of Our Success book within your local community are designed to be a multiplier for you, plus make you a best-seller and earn you $10,000. It may take you 30, 60, or 90 days. However long it takes, those are solid numbers. And when you are done, you can legitimately brag about your best-seller status!

About the author:

Brian Mast, founder of the Secrets of Our Success series, combines marketing/advertising with publishing/business to get business growth. To order Growth Plan and get started: www.bookripple.com/growthplan

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