The SmallBizChat Podcast: The Intel and Introduction Behind Referrals with Joanne Black

Joanne Black is America’s leading authority on referral selling. She’s not bragging – her publisher gave her that moniker, and she’s taking it! Referrals work whether you’re looking for a job, want a promotion, need clients, or looking for a date. She’s written two books, No More Cold Calling: The Breakthrough System That Will Leave Your Competition in the Dust and Pick Up the Damn Phone: How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal. Joanne founded her company in 1996. She works with business owners to drive revenue to propel growth through referrals.

 If you’re looking for how to grow your business with referrals, this is the episode for you. There’s a secret to it, and we’ll talk about it today with our guest, Joanne Black. She shares her secrets to asking for a referral, increasing your referral conversion rate, and standing out in a sea of cold calling and lukewarm introductions.

“You never, ever, ever, ever ask for an introduction on social media or through email because you miss that opportunity to get that intel. That’s the biggest differentiation ever.” – Joanne Black

Listen to the podcast below:


This week on SmallBizChat Podcast:

  • The power of referrals.
  • The conversion rate on warm referrals.
  • Referrals are always great but are most important in a down economy.
  • Definition of referral.
  • Needing the introduction and the intel.
  • Connections versus relationships.
  • Asking for referrals.

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