10 Marketing R’s to Launch Revenue Revolution in Your Business in 2017

You will need to expand your marketing efforts to significantly increase your revenue in the new year. I want you to use this post to launch a revenue revolution in 2017 in your small business. Social media is still the great equalizer for small businesses, but it’s no longer about likes, friends and followers. It’s about click-thrus, open rates and conversions. But before you can get to measuring the ROI of your social media activities it’s about making a connection first.  What will be the best way to make a connection with customers (new and old) in 2017? In a word: Video. Facebook Live had kicked off an amazing deluge of quick and dirty video broadcasting. But before you start figuring out your budget for your new videos series to unleash on the world. Take a step back first and think. Why do your customers do business with you?  How do you solve their problem? Are you cheaper, better or faster?  Are you the top expert in your industry? What added value do you bring to the table?

Here are the 10 Best Marketing R’s to launch a Revenue Revolution in your business in 2017:

  1. Review Your Google Analytics: You must evaluate your organic search results to learn what is driving your website traffic. What are your best search terms? Which social media sites are converting traffic for you? What are your 5 to 7 best blogs post this year based on traffic? Then you will know what content is resonating best with your audience.  And you can turn that content into a short series of How to videos.  (Just a thought.)
  1. Reinvent Your Website Experience: Does your website load quickly? How about on a mobile device? Google is giving more consideration to mobile websites, so you must get on top of this. Is your navigation simple? When is the last time you updated the look and feel of your website? How about creating a new free offer or ebook for the new year to grow your email list? Is your content well organized and easy to search on your website? Is there any friction in your shopping cart process? Have you looked at your shopping cart abandonment rate? Your website is your #1 Sales tool, so it’s key to being a good relationship with potential customers.
  1. Reassess Your Market (and How Your Customers Are Using Social Media): What’s new in your local market or industry? Got any new competitors?  Are your competitors doing anything new in social media? Is there a new technology changing your business? Is there new niche customer or line of business for you to pursue next year? How are your customers using social media? Are they migrating to Snapchat or Instagram, NOW? Or does Facebook and Twitter still work for you.
  1. Reevaluate Your Keywords and Hashtags: Keywords are still important. Do you have a focus keyword? In other word, a keyword you want to be know for and own online. Depending on your industry, your top 5-to-7 keywords could be changing every 4-6 weeks.  And what are your top hashtags, mine is #Smallbizchat, and I’ve had it trademarked.  Hashtags are key to engagement and we all know they everything on Instagram. Get your top hashtags lined-up for 2017 as well.
  1. Retreat from Social Media: Now I know this sounds counterintuitive, but trust me. As a small business, you have limited time and limited resources, and it’s getting harder to stand out. Less is more in social media. You only need to focus on one or two social media accounts to build a powerful brand online that you can monetize. Use your google analytics to note where your best social referral sites are and spend your time there.
  1. Rollout at Least One New Content Strategy: If you have been blogging for years, maybe it’s time to switch it up a little. Long form content is king. By long form I mean write in a blog post with 2000 words or more. Perhaps you should you start a podcast in 2017? How about you launch a video series using a service like Wistia, so you can track people on your email list who dig your videos. Branded Youtube channels are great, but you don’t own the list of people who subscribe. They do.
  1. Retargeting is the New Paid Search: 70-80% of web users ignore paid search ads, so what is a small business marketer to do? Try a Retargeting campaign using Google adwords or Facebook ads. Retargeting ads are a form of online targeted advertising for people who have already visited your website or are in your email database. Hire a professional firm with experience assisting small businesses to help you.
  1. Reinvest in SEO: SEO is not dead. Investment in search engine optimization is worth it to increase your organic search results. You want to make sure your site is optimized for dynamic indexing. SEO term, four months to start seeing real results so don’t even do it if you can afford to invest 6 months to a year in the process. Get a referral from another small business, and if a firm promised to get you on the front page of google, run as no one can that.
  1. Recency Strategy is Key: Once someone does business with your business, within 7-10 days they should hear from you via email, phone or a video follow-up. You need to ask they about their buying experience. Make sure you include a way to contact your directly. In case they are happy with your product or service include a link for them to give your business a review or a LinkedIn recommendation.
  1. Re-engage Customers Through Video: The most important thing in your business is your relationship with your clients. Video will be the best way to make a personal connection in 2017. It is important to leverage video to re-engage the customers that you have, to maintain a sustainable brand. But engaging new customers could be as simple as as send a quick check-in video to to follow-up on a quote, or customer service call to see how they’re getting along with your product or service. You can also use video to follow-up on a proposal with a making your self personally available to answer any questions. By 2020, 85% of all business communication will take place via social media or video, so if you get started in 2017, you’ll be ahead of the curve.

By using just a few of these R’s you’ll be on the road to riches in your business from the start of the new year.  As you start your #RevenueRevolution for 2017 keep me posted. I love to hear about what is working in your small business.

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