7 Powerful Retail Marketing Ideas

You’ve developed your business ideas. You’ve created a suite of products or services that stand out from the competition. And you’ve assembled a basic outline of how you’re going to meld your brand to the minds of consumers around the world. And that’s all good – but what happens from there? If you’re like most business owners entering the market or trying to expand your company, it’s now all about how you’re going to market your retail business. Here are 7 powerful retail marketing ideas.

You’ll need to drive brand awareness a more favorable opinion of your business, and sales conversion rates, to create sustainable model for future growth. Sounds hard, but you simply have to have a plan. These simple retail marketing ideas that will help you to quickly and efficiently steer traffic toward your small business:

  1. Direct Mail Campaigns

Though there is no doubt that electronic methods of communication are slowly pushing paper-based marketing mediums out of existence, there is no reason why you can’t blend both. Targeting local consumers using a tailored combination of direct email marketing and traditional postal mail deliverables, could generate real results. Create a full color direct mailer with an offer that stands out!

  1. Maximize Google AdWords

Don’t be afraid to use Google AdWords. You can leverage the power of the web – and the world’s most potent search engine, to attract new clients to your retail business. Once you’ve maximized the SEO (search engine optimization) factor with your web-based content, consider paying for a pay-per-click ad campaign to target new clients and drive in fresh customers.

  1. Create Visible Displays

Consider investing in custom branded visual displays to promote your local business. If you often find yourself at local restaurants, attend local sporting events, or simply want to up the wow factor of your retail displays; From tents to tablecloths, outdoor flags to pop-up banners, these simple yet visible marketing tools are perfect for attracting the right kind of attention toward your brand.

  1. Partner with Other Businesses

Find complementary businesses in the market, work with them to create a mutually beneficial co-branded marketing idea, and then run with it! You can barter some of your goods or services in exchange for the other business’ merchandise or other services, and then create a compelling list of promotional giveaways to attract clients to both businesses.

  1. Invite Local Media

Regardless of your industry or line of business, you can create buzz by inviting members of the local media for a “fun day” sponsored by your company. If you own a food truck, for instance, consider parking it at a local sporting event, create an eating challenge or another competition, then have members of the local media cover your antics – it’s great publicity, and it is incredible how persuasive and credible even small-town media personalities can be.

  1. Promote Everywhere

If you own a retail business, you should think about promoting your brand at every conceivable moment. Wrap your car or delivery vehicles in branding messages with your phone number. Place signs in your windows, hang banners in strategic locations, imprint promotional messages on your cash register receipts – anything to highlight your business. Often times this can be accomplished for pennies on the dollar.

  1. Follow-up With Clients

In most cases, the best customers are repeat customers. You’ve already won them over the first time, so focus on adding value in your follow-up to get them to decide to return. Offer a rewards program for repeat clients, or simply contact these shoppers to thank them. Be sure to inquire about their overall level of satisfaction with your brand. You want to make sure they enjoyed their shopping experience. The customer isn’t always right, but you must always be right for the customer. Honest feedback is a gift – invite your customers to freely tell you what is on their mind.

Retail promotions and marketing ideas that are both affordable and effective will boost your business and create a healthy and sustainable lift to your bottom line.

About the author:

Ben Camerota is the President at MVP Visuals, a supplier of custom branded displays for retail promotion and live events. They work with companies of various sizes to make their event marketing experiences pop. To reach him or to learn more about MVP Visuals, contact him at ben@mvpvisuals.com.

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