If you’ve asked yourself whether you’re cut out to be an entrepreneur, good for you. It’s a question I encourage everyone to really explore before starting a business. You see it’s more than a notion to start a business from scratch, so you need to make sure you know why you are doing it.
But what makes a good entrepreneur?
In my book, Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months, 2nd edition, I say that entrepreneurs are motivated by one or more of the following:
- Control
- Freedom
- Money
- Problem solving
- Creativity
If these spark something in you, read on to find out if you have the right entrepreneurial mindset to succeed.
- You Always Think There’s a Better Way to Do Things
As a kid, you were the one dumping out the Legos and remaking the buildings the “right” way. Now, you constantly think that your boss wastes way too much time doing things, and you come up with tips to be more productive.
- You Prefer to Be in Charge
Some might call you bossy, but you consider yourself a take-charge kind of person. There’s nothing wrong with being a natural leader!
- You Think Your Boss is Generally Clueless
You often scratch your head, wondering how he got where he is. You know so much more than he does, so why aren’t you on top?
- You Feel Dissatisfied with Your Job
You know you could do so much more, if only your boss would give you free rein. As a result, you rather detest your job. You spend every day hatching your exit plan from corporate America.
- You Know You Would Do Things Differently if it Were Your Company
How many times have you said to yourself, “if I were in charge, I’d…”? You long to have the opportunity to be the one who calls the shots.
- You Calculate How Much You Make, and Know You Be Better Compensated.
You’ll only ever get so far, getting your pittance of a raise each year. You know if you worked for yourself, you could double or triple what you currently make.
- You are Convinced You Could Do a Better Job Than the Folks Above You
It seems unfair that companies thrive under incompetent people. How well you could do if you were a competitor? What market share would you’d take?
Am I striking a nerve here? I hope so. You are one idea away from being able to do whatever you want. It’s a lot of work up front, but if you’ve ever longed to do things your way now is your time. If you are confident you could succeed where your employer has failed, and fill an unmet need, you’re already an entrepreneur at heart. Now all you have to do is take that first step toward becoming your own boss.
“Cropped Image Of A Smiling Corporate Lady” by stockimages
Thank you for the valuable advice, Melinda. As a business owner with high aspirations for success in the entrepreneurship space, your advice and service to our audience is critical. There is a need for even more female mentors to support growing & developing entrepreneurs. Thank you again for your service and transfer of wisdom.