The SmallBizChat Podcast: How Getting Rest Can Grow Your Business with Alyson Caffrey

In this episode, Melinda Emerson chats with Alyson Caffrey about her journey as a solo entrepreneur and the importance of setting boundaries. They delve into the Sabbatical Method, overcoming guilt in business, and maintaining work-life balance through self-discipline. The discussion concludes with the best business advice Alyson has received.

Alyson Caffrey is a small business Operations Strategist, Best-Selling Author, and founder of Operations Agency. She is best known for helping streamline brands’ back-end operations and using her Operations Simplified™ framework to unleash the power of small teams. Alyson is committed to using her experience growing businesses and streamlining operations to help parentpreneurs kid-proof their businesses and live family-focused lives. She is also the author of the new book, The Sabbatical Method. For more information: www.operationsagency.com

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This week on SmallBizChat Podcast:

  • Entrepreneurs can benefit from implementing a cadence of rest, which can range from closing the computer at 5 PM to taking extended sabbaticals, to improve both personal well-being and business operations.
  • Clear boundaries and defined work hours can prevent business tasks from creeping into personal time, which is crucial for solo entrepreneurs and single parents who must balance multiple responsibilities.
  • Support from a team, clear communication with clients, and setting personal priorities can alleviate feelings of guilt associated with taking time off, ultimately leading to a healthier work-life balance and a more focused business approach.

Resources Mentioned:

Online Courses: https://smallbizladyuniversity.com/academy

Connect with Alyson Caffrey:

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