#SmallBizChat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #SmallBizChat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss.
Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and click here for directions on how to join the conversation.
In April, each #SmallBizChat will be focused on marketing your small business and new ideas to fill your pipeline and help you find your perfect customers!
Here is a list of who is on #SmallBizChat in April.
April 6: How to Use LinkedIn to Generate Leads for Your SmallBusiness – Viveka von Rosen, LinkedIn Expert and Author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day @LinkedInExpert
Viveka von Rosen is known internationally as the “LinkedIn Expert” and is the author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day. She has 32,000 followers on LinkedIn and 82,000+ on Twitter. She has taught and trained well over 100,000 people. Viveka takes the social media marketing knowledge she has developed and perfected over the years and transforms it into engaging and informational sessions, providing not only valuable information but actionable tips to your small business up and running on LinkedIn. For more information, visit: www.linkedintobusiness.com.

April 13: How to Build a Lucrative Online Community to Grow Your Small Business – Jai Stone, Master Brand Coach @jaistone
Jai Stone is an award-winning Master Brand Coach with clients such as The Coca-Cola Company, NASCAR and Turner Broadcasting. Her results driven strategies make her one of the most sought after professionals in her industry. Jai is also the founder of the PeriCON Entrepreneur Conference to be held in Atlanta April 21-22, 2016. This mega-event offers cutting edge strategies for lean startups and bootstrap entrepreneurs. For more information, visit: http://jaistone.com
April 20: SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL #SMALLBIZCHAT GUEST: Ryan Diess, The Digital Marketer @ryandeiss
Ryan Deiss is the founder and CEO of Digital Marketer. Over the last 36 months Ryan and his team have: Invested over $15,000,000 on marketing tests Generated tens of millions of unique visitors Sent well over a BILLION emails, and Run approximately 3,000 split and multi-variant tests Ryan is also a highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted over 200,000 businesses in 68 different countries. For more information, visit www.digitalmarketer.com
April 27: How to Generate, Qualify, and Follow Up on Profitable Leads for Your Small Business – Kelvin Francis, LSS BB – President, LeadsBIXample @apptpros
Kelvin has been extensively involved in the strategic, operational and managerial aspects of the Lead Generation industry for over 10 years. He is fanatical about an Efficient Process and also a Client Enthusiast. For more information, visit: www.leadsbixample.com
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