#SmallBizChat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #SmallBizChat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss.
Join me live every Wednesday, 8PM EST for #SmallBizChat on Twitter.
Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and click here for directions on how to join the conversation.
Here is a list of who is on #SmallBizChat in February.
ebruary 3rd: How to Get PR for Your Small Business with James Oliver, Jr., Owner, WeMontage (@WeMontage)
James Oliver, Jr. is co-founder of the world’s cutest twins, and CEO of WeMontage.com, the world’s only website that lets you turn your fave photos into a large custom collage, on removable wallpaper. James is also a parent entrepreneur advocate via his blog at www.treplifedad.com, an alum of the tech startup accelerator, gener8tor.com, and is a contributing author for SheKnows media and GoDaddy’s small business blog, The Garage.
February 10th: How to Be an Entrepreneur and Still Get the Love You Deserve with Tonya Kerry, Personal Power Expert and Love Coach (@tonyakerry)
Tonya Kerry is a Personal Power Expert and Love Coach. As the founder of Love Smart Be Amazing, she works with professional women who struggle in attracting real love. She’s committed to women having it all in business and in love.
February 17th: How to Make Selling Easier for Small Business Owners with Alice Heiman, President Alice Heiman, LLC (@aliceheiman)
Alice Heiman, Sales Strategist, Speaker, Author, Coach is a sales expert and networking guru who walks you through what it takes to sell successfully whether it’s your job to sell or you’re a business owner who never dreamed you’d have to sell.
February 24: How to Deduct Everything in Your Small Business with Eva Rosenberg, EA (@TaxMama)
Eva Rosenberg, EA is the publisher of TaxMama.com, where your tax questions are answered for free. Eva is a best-selling author of several books and ebooks, including Small Business Taxes Made Easy – and the new Deduct Everything! . Eva teaches tax pros how to pass their IRS enrolled agent examinations at IRSExams.com and other tax courses for tax pros and the public at http://www.cpelink.com/
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