#SmallBizChat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #SmallBizChat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss.
Join me live every Wednesday, 8PM EST for #SmallBizChat on Twitter.
Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and click here for directions on how to join the conversation.
Here is a list of who is on #SmallBizChat in November.
November 4: Should You Hire a Ghostwriter for Your Small Biz Content? with Susan Payton, President of Egg Marketing & Communications (@eggmarketing)
Susan Payton is the President of Egg Marketing & Communications, a digital marketing firm specializing in marketing communications, copywriting, and blog posts. She is an avid writer and author who has written three books: How to Get More Customers with Press Releases, 101 Entrepreneur Tips, and Internet Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs. Susan uses her entrepreneurial drive to help small businesses realize their potential through smart marketing. For more information, please visit http://www.eggmarketingpr.com
November 11: How to build a Million Dollar Business with Kathey Porter, Founder of BusinessFAB Enterprises (@50_bdb)
Kathey Porter is a Supplier Diversity Director and consultant for government, higher education and corporate entities; an expert on small business development. Ms. Porter is founder of BusinessFAB Enterprises, a multi-platform media initiative focused on the development of content, communications, customized networking events and continuing education programs that connect women entrepreneurs to opportunities. For more information, please visit http://www.50bdb.com
November 18: Leveraging Live Streaming for Your Small Business with Shade Y. Adu, Founder of Savvy Solutions Consulting, LLC (@shadeyaabirago)
Shadé Y. Adu is a Personal Brand Strategist, Life Coach, and founder of Savvy Solutions Consulting LLC. Savvy Solutions Consulting is a professional development firm that provides personal branding, coaching and diversity training for individuals, businesses, organizations, and corporations. Ms. Adu specializes in personal branding, target audience attraction, coaching and brand diversity. For more information, please visit http://shadeyadu.com
Hello Ms. Emerson,
I plan on listening, for the first time, to your Twitter show this upcoming Wednesday evening. I read your book 12 months….- it was an excellent read of practical advice to beginners such as myself. It’s take a deep breath time as I launch my copywriting business.The biggest challenge at this moment is my being pulled in so many directions by media blasts of various experts offering advice. Learning to trust my gut feeling to take baby steps instead of trying to follow the many suggestions of what should be happening next. I am on a shoe string budget that is scary but slowly doable. I am trying to create blocks of time that focuses on one task at a time. Training takes a good chunk of my time right now. Nevertheless, the books need to be put down and the bulll grabbed by the horns, or else it will be another year of, what just happened?
Regine Baptiste
Thanks for sharing! You’re right; it can be overwhelming with so many people offering advice. Just find the ones that resonate with you (and I’m glad I’m one of them). Just keep plugging away.