Each week as Smallbizlady, I conduct interviews with small business experts on my weekly Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat.
Here are the upcoming guests for January 2012…
- 1/4 Allyson Lewis @Allyson7Minutes Prioritize, Organize and Simplify Your Life for 2012
- 1/11 Kim Beasley @KimBeasley – How To Use Google + The Grow Your Small Business
- 1/18 Darla DeMarrco @DarlaDeMarrco– How To Be a Successful Pregnant Entrepreneur?
- 1/25 Rieva Lesonsky @Rieva – How to Use Trend Data To Grow Your Business?
Last week was my first #smallbizchat and I have to tell you about my experience.
You taught me how to use tweetchat.com, which I love, I learned a lot (about Google+) and I gained apprx a dozen followers (all like-minded people).
I recommend #smallbizchat to all serious entrepreneurs on twitter!
thanks for your efforts.