The SmallBizChat Podcast: Appreciated Branding with Reid Holmes

In this episode, Melinda welcomes guest Reid Holmes who shares his journey and search for impact in small businesses. They delve into the concept of appreciated branding, discussing its key components and how to implement it effectively across products and services.

After 30 years as an ad agency creative executive – straddling the heyday of traditional and digital marketing – Reid Holmes had an epiphany: we’re being interrupted more often in more places than ever – companies are wasting billions chasing transactions – leaving consumers saturated with messaging while creating brand indifference and higher price sensitivity to the very products being promoted. Branding in the digital era is about proving you care. Whether you’re a B2C or B2B marketer, everything today must be B2H. We’re all human. Reid has a plan to help you live your values so you can attract, engage, and keep like-minded consumers via what Reid calls “Reverse Targeting.” He’s the author of the new book, Appreciated Branding. For more information: www.appreciatedbranding.com

Listen to the podcast below:

This week on SmallBizChat Podcast:

  • Successful branding in the digital era requires proving you care about your customers by addressing their emotional needs and values.
  • Brands can achieve greater customer engagement and loyalty by identifying unique emotional solutions rather than relying solely on rational benefits.
  • Effective branding strategies should leverage cultural insights and societal changes to create meaningful connections with consumers.

Resources Mentioned:

Online Courses:  https://SmallBizLadyAcademy.com

Connect with Reid Holmes:

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