Every Friday, I answer your small business questions in a video blog segment called Ask SmallBizLady.
This week, we are taking on the question: How do I Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur?
I think there are three things you need to help you stay motivated as you run your small business!
1) Only have positive people who support you in your circle
2) Create a vision board for your big picture goals
3) Pick a personal theme song and have it cued on online, in the car, and on your MP3 player of choice so that you can get a quick pick me up when you need one.
(By the way, my theme song is Golden by Jill Scott)
If you are Ready to Start or Reinvent Your Small Business? Join @Smallbizlady live in Philadelphia April 2nd for BYOB2011 Register here http://byob2011philly.eventbrite.com/
If you have a question for Melinda Emerson, Small Biz Lady, I’m always here as a resource.Leave a comment on this article, send a message using the contact us page, tweet me – @smallbizlady, on Facebook or you can hit me up on LinkedIn.
I have to respectfully disagree with #1 of the three things you need to stay motivated. I have found that a little opposition can be a very motivating force to accomplish great things. Sure, too much could certainly be de-motivating, but a little bit, even from your circle, can light the competitive fire of motivation for a long burn!
In my opinion, the best way to stay motivated as an entrepreneur is to do something you are truly passionate about. If you are not in love with what you are doing in business then it will fizzle very quickly.
Lead with your heart, but use your head! Make sure your passion has a profit center.
To your business success.
I concur Smallbizlady, music is uplifting to the soul, and can transform ones attitude in just about any situation. If you have no faith in it, or you aren’t a music lover in the first place, then this will probably not work for you. But music is powerful, if you don’t think so look at what’s playing on BET and MTV and then look at our youth, the proof is in the pudding. Thanks for sharing Smallbizlady, right on point!
The Peoples Program has the four essential elements
that is necessary for a successful program.
Go to: www.bless-and-beblessed.com
First of all we have a Beautifully Designed Customized Website with a Back Office that is Fully Automated and easy to navigate.
Second we a Program that makes sense and has a great pay system.
TPP has no one ups or two ups, you begin receiving gifts with your very first enrollee.
We have a life -time referral fee. You will receive 20% from each person that your enrollee brings into the program.
You will receive an Automatic Upgrade when you bring someone into the Program at a higher level than you.
The third element is Honest Workable Marketing.
The Peoples Program has a serious of videos that show you how to do free online
marketing. We have a 24 -hour forum that is free for our members in the Program.
The forum is a way to exchange ideas and to obtain info on marketing options.
We have the weekly Conference Call for our prospects that is followed by our Members Training Call.
We have postcards that have already been created proven and they work, we have national magazine ads that have already been created, proven and work. You can buy shares in our magazine ads for $ 125. You can buy postcards for whatever your budget will allow. TPP has professional Companies that will handle your orders.
When you enroll with TPP you will receive a 12-page marketing manual. The Training Manual is loaded with tested and proven marketing resources.
The Fourth is Personal Mentoring. We think you should always have someone to answer your questions. We understand that our new members will not have all of the answers.
When you get someone on the phone that is interested in the program, you just do a three-way and get me on the phone.
We will use this method to get your enrollees until you feel comfortable on your own. We think you should have fun. When the delivery driver knocks on your door and hands you an envelope full of one hundred dollar bills that is having fun!
Kindest Regards,
Charles Claybrooks (414) 202-9400
P.O. Box 578
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201