Stephanie Chandler @bizauthor, has written and published a new book, Booked UP! How To Write, Publish and Promote a book to Grow Your Business.
I must admit that I am a big fan of Stephanie’s from her publication From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur Make Money with books, E-Books and Information Products (Wiley & Sons, 2006)
In Booked Up!, Stephanie breaks down the pros and cons of the traditional book deal and self publishing. She’s done both, and does a good job of laying out the case for either approach. I think the fact that she self published this book tells you that she believes self publishing is the best option.
Part Three – How the write a book–FAST! is a real gold mine for developing an action plan to get your book done now. In Part Four, her book is all about developing an author platform, and she goes in depth with social media in Part Five. I found her advice about article marketing and virtual tours especially helpful.
The resource section at the end of this book is terrific, as well. I even learned about some needed resources and associations from reading this book.
My only critical comment is that I wish the book was a bit longer. At 138 pages, you’ll whip through this book in no time.
If you always wanted to write a book and don’t know where to start, Booked UP! is a great way to start.
Melinda F. Emerson, known to many as SmallBizLady is one of America’s leading small business experts. As a seasoned entrepreneur, professional speaker, and small business coach, she develops audio, video and written content to fulfill her mission to end small business failure. As CEO of MFE Consulting LLC, Melinda educates entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies on subjects including small business start-up, business development and social media marketing. She has been featured on NBC Nightly News, in Forbes, the Wall Street Journal and Black Enterprise Magazine. Melinda is also the author of the national bestseller Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months; A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works. (Adams Media 2010)
Thanks so much for taking time to write this review, Melinda! I’m so glad you found the book helpful and I greatly appreciate all that you do in the small business community!