Every week as SmallBizLady, I conduct interviews with experts on my Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. The show takes place every Wednesday on Twitter from 8-9pm ET. This is excerpted from my recent interview with @anisharkeeys. Anisha Robinson Keeys is the Principal Officer of Best Practice Fundraising. With 14 years of nonprofit fundraising and marketing experience,she has raised over $52 million dollars in the areas of youth and women’s empowerment, disaster relief, arts, and health care. Learn more about Anisha at bestpracticefundraising.org.
Small Biz Lady: What does it mean for an organization, brand or person to get sponsored?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: Sponsorship is a mutual business proposition that offers something in exchange for a financial commitment from a corporation. Corporations get a return on their financial “investment,” enhance their profile, associate their brand with a cause or attract customers who support that cause. Sponsorship typically involves a contractual relationship between the non profit and the corporate sponsor
Small Biz Lady: How do you even get started pursuing sponsorship?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: Getting funding from corporations may be a great opportunity for your organization to increase your budget but– you should never haphazardly create a corporate sponsorship program for the sake of filling a budget deficit Before pursuing support from corporations, you first need to know your organizations goals, and then ask and answer these questions:
- What is your organization trying to achieve?
- Can you effectively tell your organizations story?
- What value could your organization provide to a prospective corporate sponsor?
- What impact could a corporation make by partnering with your organization?
Small Biz Lady: Why would a corporation want to sponsor me, my brand or my organization?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: Corporations must market, sell, build brand loyalty and long term repeat customers. The bottom line is if you can offer an opportunity for a corporation to positively influence their ideal customer or advance their marketing objectives, there is an opportunity for you to get sponsored.
Small Biz Lady: What are some of the biggest challenges when seeking sponsorship?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: Two of the biggest challenges are crafting a strong value proposition: What can you offer that will give sponsors a good return on their financial investment. The second big challenge is getting the attention of a sponsor when you don’t already have a relationship with them.
Small Biz Lady: Who makes funding decisions within a corporation? Who should you approach?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: There are no hard and fast rules about who makes the funding decision in corporations. Many companies have multiple buckets of funding available through different teams, products or business lines. It’s important to do your research about the funding available and evaluate whether your value proposition fits within what the corporations goals for the funding. The Community Relations, Marketing, Public Relations and Sales Teams are great teams to contact first.
Small Biz Lady: How do you even reach those people?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: The best approach is to identify your “connectors” and leverage the relationships that exist between you and your prospective sponsor. Take some time to write out that list of “connectors” that you know, then think of their potential connections.
Small Biz Lady: How do I determine my value or what to “sell” to an organization?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: First, you need to determine what your prospective sponsors business goals are and how what you and your organization can help them meet those goals. This can require some digging. Great places to start researching the goals of a prospective sponsor include: their recent press releases, annual reports.
Find out what demographic audience your potential sponsor is most interested in. One great way to collect a demographic analysis is to collect the press and or media kits from the types of magazines or radio station that audience reads or listens to.
Small Biz Lady: As you craft your sponsorship offerings, what should you keep in mind?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: It’s not all about offering to promote a sponsors logo. Think of meaningful opportunities to connect your sponsor to their core audience–that goes beyond logo recognition. Think about it–does an organization like Pepsi really need to splash their logo on your event or project so that people will continue to drink Pepsi?
Small Biz Lady: What makes a great sponsorship proposal?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: Overall, your proposal should be a through representation of your organization, and the value of partnering. View your sponsorship proposal as a business pitch, with professionally presented content and layout, and make sure the proposal can stand on its own if you are unable to get a face to face meeting with your prospect.
Small Biz Lady: What are some examples of successful corporate partnerships?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: Lexus often sponsors valet parking at high end galas. It’s a way for them to get visibility among an audience that could be potential Lexus owners. Many cell phone carriers have set up cell charging stations at events. It gives them a chance to not only fill a need (an uncharged cell phone) but demonstrate how their products work.
Small Biz Lady: What other types of benefits can an organization offer to a potential sponsor?
Anisha Robinson Keeys:
- Access to VIPs
- Client entertainment opportunities
- Complimentary or discounted admission tickets to special events
- Opportunities for employees to participate/volunteer
- Employee team building
- Sampling, couponing and sales
- Access to Mailing Lists
- Opportunity to collect data from constituents
- Mention in press releases
- Access to promotional giveaways
- Mailing inserts
- Discounted media buys
Small Biz Lady: Do you have any final tips?
Anisha Robinson Keeys: Approach potential sponsors with confidence and remember that you are offering value that can advance their objectives. Be persistent as you will hear “no” much more than you hear “yes”
this article was very helpful. thank you very, very much!
I hereby submit my request to be assisted financially as a family therapist councilor to enable me reach as many people who are in need as possible, be it young old old people . looking forward for a positive response i will highly appreciate.
I want to approach Porsche Company (cars) to be the sole sponsor of our clothing brand that also manufacture luxury leather goods for the up market clientelle. We would like to go into partnership regarding the fashion show sponsorship, the article really brought some light to us and paved the way as in what to do and which steps to follow. Thank you so much!!!!!!
Dear Sir/ Madam,
My name is Abraham, single have 21 years old, and I am very good at my run & have graduated in degree,and I made many competition in track, cross-country &road-race running ,& great personally have especially good time on that but I have been beginning in Half-Marathon in 2011 competed two times till now ,and have very good time
and also I have in Half-Marathon very good time now in that.
I am lettering you to personally say thanks for inviting me to the corporate a sponsor how can I contacting and securing sponsor,and also new sponsors becomes much easier with clubs or scholarships well-know & successful to get in touch with them.
How can I contact with sponsor or scholarships,Please supporting me with writing letters or sponsor clubs or organizations/person/s/ with who is willing to sponsor me.
As an aspire athlete like being around me and I like being around it & I will strive to reach as others if I get your supporting contacting with sponsorships,and I will repay you for your helping whatever you asked me for .
I will promise you 100% to pay you every thing for you really,and I will swear in God to make my signature to you.
In return for your sponsorship I will of course be willing to reimburse you one day and shortly indeed.
I am hoping that this may be something you would consider helping me with.
I am very proud of my achievements and the hard work of a lot of people connected with the club has also led to on-field success.
I hope to be able to discuss this further with you at a convenient time; I have enclosed (my CV/Resume even my video run ) for you listing the full extent of my background Please do not hesitate should you require any references about me what ever it is. Please will get in touch me any time to see if you would like to take things further about this.
my email address is a.welday@yahoo.com
I do hope that this is something you might be willing to consider,and if it were possible I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you further about this.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soonest,
Thank you again for your supporting, I hope you will respond to my email as swiftly as you can.
Yours faithfully,
Abraham ,
P.O.Box 339
This is an excellent article. I would love for you to write and article about “CrowdFunding” and startup companies, if you have not already.
I would love for you take a couple of minutes to look at my crowd funding campaign and provide me with any feedback, tips and support that you could offer.
Thank you for a great read on corporate sponsorship!
I want to open a small business please advice me whre to get funds as am not working
I need funds for small business
I want a sponsor i,m owning a company from 2010 but i din,t get work untill today.And my company is fully registard.My company is doing a cleaning and Security.Now i need a sponsor becouse i need a car to attend meetings and to run a company and a money to do a makerting.Reply please.Contact no 078 337 9560
This is my first year of going into business for myself and I am truly excited. Although I do not have sufficient funds to continue getting my business together, I have a great head on my shoulders with plenty of drive. My business is Filing Income Taxes! I desperately need some assistance ASAP! My telephone number is (901)277-0083
Looking for a sponsor for a car club big picnic..
I’m exceptionally excited coming across this article because it has really embroaden my scope. I have a small scale business that deals with clothing and branding with the label LAMIDE GREEN.I have always wanted a sponsor for the up-keep of my business. Now I know I have to at least consult a business lawyer or a business expert based on a genuine business proposal and legal backings to authenticate the purpose of my proposition to a sponsor. Also, I would not mind if you can enlighten me more about the companies that my business would suite their market. Thank you very much to small biz lady and Anisha Robinson Keeys
i am a decor and heardboards designer need a sponsor to run my business. my contact numbers 083 581 7960
This is a very nice piece, very helpful.
I am looking for a sponsor, myself. I own a social network (Reference : http://www.konektafrica.com ), and am hoping to expand it beyond it growths. After reading this article, i realize that i, partly have been going about it the wrong way. I will try to apply the points made here, and see what will come of it. And, just in case there’s someone out there interested in hearing what i have to say or offer, contact me via uby@konektafrica.com.
And to everyone, looking for the same thing, Good luck!
Thanks Melinda, this is extremely helpful!
Hi there my name is Fuad Smith im 45 years old i run a profitable small business my family,s been in the business for over 50 years as traders selling fruit and veg now im selling brick and brack im in need of a sponsor who can also benifit from my current small business
Please feel free to contact me : FUAD
Thank you
Hi there my name is fuad i need a sponsor for my small business,im selling brick and brack in cbd area,im willing to repay any sponsor in a period of time,i will even advertise your business name to give you the sponsor beter sales on your products . For more info: please contact FUAD
Goodmorning sir or mamm my name is Monique Lewis and I have just launched my own business the name is Organo Gold health and wellness and I was wondering what do I have to do because I need a sponsor to purchase my package I have 1 that’s 150.00 450.00 1,300 thank you for this time again much thanks peace love and many blessings
I am M Sarkar the magic man. I organising a magic show which is the India’s Biggest Magic Show and i have almost completed all my preparations but i need some sponsors to invest in this magic show as a sponser and they will definetly get benifited for details on sponserships you could visit my blog or could
email me @ msarkarthemagicman@gmail.com or call me at +91 9798044402
Please Kindly go through the details and do the needful..
Waiting for a positive response
I am an up-coming dj and working very hard to create a great small bussiness. I have some contacts but not enough but that goes without saying. I stay busy but I want to accomplish so much more and further my bussiness and goals. You’re info was very informative thank you so much
Hallo am salma an experienced nursary school teacher running a small day care and nussary school here in tanzania . I am ineed of fund to build at least two classrooms six holes toilets and learning facilities at my cetre please help me on how to get fund to suprt my project.
I am a up-comingPhotographer & Video guy.Work ver hard to do a propher job to all clients.I am looking for a sponsor .Someone who can help me fulfill my career.If someone out there could help me.My nr is 079 5199 759 or 079 889 7137
I am a up-comingPhotographer & Video guy.Work very hard to do a propher job to all clients.I am looking for a sponsor .Someone who can help me fulfill my career.If someone out there could help me.My nr is 079 5199 759 or 079 889 7137
This will help me soooooo much!!!! Thank you for the tips!
I have already small business and wants to expand. however, I am in lack of fund. so any one who can help me for latter paid back? I am with my business plan for fund only $ 10 thousand .
please reach me through my e-mail address miszerihun@yahoo.com or mob. 2510920717597
Hey. Am running a small building & renovation construction company.i need to grow, but I got no cash.to keep running it anymore,need someone that can partnership with me & sponsor me.0789773840.or email me.dendronconstruction@gmail.com
KASPI CHILDREN CENTER is a non-formal school that offers pre-school and primary Education to the less fortunate children in the society.Such children include,orphans,street children,refugees and the disadvantaged.We are facing serious financial challenges such that our activities may come to a standstill in future.We do not have any sponsorship at the moment.We require assistance in the field of teachers’ payment and meals for this unfortunate children.Please assist
I am looking for a sponsor to support a singer. Sponsorship for wardrobe and/or hair.
thanks for the artical how do you get sponsors i have an NGO but it is really downlpl coz of funds need help
am seekin for a sponsorship 4 my small scale bizz as a phone repair and mantainance , but i want to import phone spares from abroad. i have already started but am still on small scale i want make my bizz bigger than it is. thanks madam melinda.
Hello madam,
We’ve just launced three International beauty pageants and looking for a regular sponsors,who may be interested to sponsor there type of events,we could offer a good promotion for their companies.pls contact us if you have any potential clients ,who can support
We are just starting a non-profit organisation, and our first project is related to dog education. This article is really great! thanks a lot for the tips
Hello, my name is Taniesha Daniels and I’m VERY serious about opening up my own staffing agency. I’ve been in Human Resources for the past thirteen years and well verse in all facets of human resources. Daniels Global Staffing Plus LLC., is an organization that will assist companies with a variety of staffing positions, background checks as well as payroll. Staffing is the number one growing industry in the world and with the start of Obamacare in 2014 I think it will only evolve as time passes. I don’t have much money at all and I don’t want to take out personal loans. I would really appreciate any information you can give me that will help me with funding, sponsorship and grants. I appreciate your time and God Bless
Please helpme to setup one institution,,sponsor me,
Hello we are a group of four friends from INDIA we are from the different streams of engineering and innovations as together we have come up with lots of ideas and few projects in which some are patented now we are planning to open a small company of our own, but we don’t have enough resource our main objective is to develop as many new products as we can, we would like to know if some people are interested in investing or sponsoring for our projects.
Hello, this is to continue requesting for assistance and cooperation from your good office. I sent my request but i have never been contacted since Mary this Year. I hope we are still under your consideration. Moses the General Manager Moliz Tours and Safaris.
Sir. Madam.
I have setup a small business of stationery, books, IT items, Toner cartridge and other egneral supply. Right now I am faceing finance shortes and I am unable to atten any tender. To participate in tender I need EMD for bid security but I don’t have the money.
I am looking for sponsor who can sponsor for my business not huge but $ 1 to 5 lacks.
I shall be grateful if any one is willing to hepl me.
Thank you
Jari Lal Gurung
its a good thing such sites do exist but my question is:how long does it take for one to get a verdict
It’s really hard to find a sponsor when you are barely starting your business. Such a great thing that those websites exist to help small-scale businesses. But how long can they continue the sponsoring? What are the criteria in qualifying as a small business to be sponsored by them?
Thanks so much for your guidance on business.am looking for a sponsor in my business