After two years of being the only voice on, I have decided to bring some new voices on small business to the world to help people end small business failure.
As of 2011, this blog will now become a daily blog on small business success.
My mission is to end small business failure and this blog is the main way I accomplish this mission.
If you are interested in writing for this blog for the exposure, here’s the criteria.
I am looking for experienced bloggers who have 1st run, orginal articles to contribute. Ideal length is 500-70 words.
I am looking for how to articles on marketing, finance/accounting, HR, social media, small business technology, customer service, solopreneurs, women business concerns, your faith & your small business. I also want articles on about the news of the day that affects small business owners i.e. small business recovery act.
Once the article has run, after 60 days you welcome to run the story on your own blog.
The pieces submitted MUST be original content.
If you are interested please submit a link blog post that you have already written and an original post that fits one the categories, and a head shot and 50 word bio of yourself to:
smallbizlady (at) gmail (dot) com. Submissions must be received by Dec 3rd.
Thank you for your interest.
Melinda F. Emerson “Smallbizlady”
Nice way to reach out – while small businesses can significantly help their communities – communities can come together to help thse businesses as well.
Thank you so much for your interest. I look forward to having you participate as a guest blogger.
This is a great way to help others and give back! I join you and Cathy weekly for #SmallBizChat and that hour goes by quickly! So it will be nice to give your supporters the opportunity to share their opinion beyond 140 characters! Great forward-thinking. My email is forthcoming! Looking forward to this!
Hi there—
I opened up this opportunity because I wanted to share my platform and give other small business experts the opportunity to spread their expertise while helping emerging and existing small business owners. I would love to consider you as a writer, but you can’t write for me anonymously.
Be well,
Melinda Emerson
I agree with TheAfter5Edge, that hour goes by way too quickly & is packed with valuable information! I would love to contribute an article, these topics are right up my alley. My submission is on its’ way!
I am so thrilled that you too are a fan of #Smallbizchat. This blog is the great way we keep the learning going long after the show each week on Twitter. I am looking forward to your submission.
All my best–
Melinda Emerson
This is a wonderful idea, I hope I can participate.
I will be celebrating 10 years in Jan as a small business owner. I would have interest
Donna– I would love to review some of your work for this blog. Please email me a writing sample and we’ll go from there.
I would love to speak with you about your writting offer
because I do have a lot of knowledge in marketing and business
coaching and consulting. Let’s connect! Have a great week!
If you have an interest in writing for me you should send me three potential topics, the more specific the better. Also send along links to other articles you have written so I can get a sense of your skill. I publish guest blogs every Tuesday, and I am always looking for great people to join the SmallBizLady Team.
I look forward to getting your material.
Melinda F. Emerson
Hello Melinda,
Currently, I am writing a book titled, The Sustainable Business – 5R’s To Boost Business Profit$
which is 80% completed. Would you be interested in reviewing it?
Thank you for considering my request,
Tracey Allen