It’s just about summertime, and vacation is fast approaching with the kids just about out of school. There’s no time I enjoy reading a good book — business or otherwise, than in the summer. I love that I can bone up on how to run my business under the shade of a tree in my backyard, while wearing flip flops and sipping on lemonade! If you need a book recommendation or two, start making your list. I’ve broken these small business books down into different areas so you can pick what you need. Here’s my Summer Reading List 2015.
Starting a Business
If you want to start a business this summer and don’t have time for months of planning, invest in Dan Norris’ The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch. And Guy Kawasaki’s always got great advice: in his book, The Art of the Start 2.0: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything (written with Lindsey Filby) he teaches you to use cutting-edge tools and strategies to start something great today.
If you could use some help getting more customers, there are some great recent reads for you to pick up. Staying on people’s minds is essential in marketing, and you’ll learn how in Jacky Fitt’s How to Get Inside Someone’s Mind and Stay There.
If you’re trying to learn how to DIY public relations, add The Little Book of Big PR: 100+ Quick Tips to Get Your Small Business Noticed by Jennefer Witter to your Kindle wishlist. And if social media still stupefies you, reading my own How to Become a Social Media Ninja: 101 Ways to Dominate Your Competition Online will make you an expert before your pedicure dries.
Who couldn’t use more money for their business? Crowdfunding: Funding: Beginner’s Guide – Find Funding Fast & Fly! (Crowdfunding, Funding, Funding a Startup, Grants, Kickstarter, Crowd Funding, Business Loans, Small Business Finance) by Marlon Cage will teach you what you need to know about crowdsourcing your financing so that you can grow your business.
Robert Kiyosaki, of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame, has a new inspirational book that can help you figure out your leverage military leadership in your business: 8 Lessons in Military Leadership: For Entrepreneurs. And if you need some help doing your own accounting, pick up a copy of Bookkeeping for Dummies by Lita Epstein.
If you’re like me, you could always use more tips to be more efficient. I like The 21 Minute Entrepreneur: The 21 Minute Morning Ritual That Will Double Your Productivity Forever And Set Your Day Up For Success by R.M. Conan for its easy rituals you can add to your routine. And if you have trouble focusing on the tasks at hand, Jamie Smart can help in The Little Book of Clarity: A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind.
All-in-One Small Business Tips
If, rather than reading different books for every aspect of your business, you’d rather read one that encompasses everything you need to know, check out my book, Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months. I did my best to include everything you need to start and grow a business, from building out a life plan to marketing strategies to hiring employees. There’s also great advice on launching a successful crowdfunding strategy, building a great website, developing your content strategy and leveraging social media.
Are there other business books on your summer reading list? Share them with me so I can add them to my list!
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