Each week as Smallbizlady, I conduct interviews with small business experts on my weekly Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. Here are the upcoming guests for February 2011…
- February 2nd — How to Get Your Email Under Control with Marsha Egan @marshaegan
- February 9th — Legally Protecting Your Brand with Aurelia Mitchell Durant, Esquire @BrandProtectors
- February 16th —Working Successfully with Your Spouse with Angela Belford @angelabelford
- February 23rd – How to Harness the Power of Emerging Technologies to Grow Your Small Business with Phil Simon @philsimon
Follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter for the latest updates and links to the TweetGrid for all shows.
For instructions on participating in SmallBizChat, click here.
I am very excited for Aurelia Mitchell Durant, Esquire @BrandProtectors! It will be an awesome chat!