Every Friday, I’m creating a new segment called Ask Small Biz Lady.
I’m posting video answers to your frequent small business questions. This week, we are taking on the question when do you know it’s time to leave you job to operate your small business full-time.
Here’s the answer: Work both the job and the business as a side hustle as long as you can. Check out this video for more….. http://www.youtube.com/user/producerpa#p/u/0/yWse0A8Xo_4
If you have a question for Melinda Emerson, SmallBizLady, leave a comment on this blog using the contact us page or send a Tweet or direct message on Twitter, give me a shout out on Facebook on the SmallBizLady fan page or hit me up on Linkedin.
I’m always here as a resource.
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