Could Your Self Confidence Be Holding Back Your Small Business? by Kelly Morrison
Have a business plan. Know your target market. Research your competition. Have funds set aside for rainy days. These are all things I heard when, at the age of 22, I decided that I wanted to start my own business as a virtual assistant. I began doing research on training to become a virtual assistant, which led me to AssistU. I received the best training possible for VAs, wrote a business plan, registered my business with my city and state governments, built my website, and opened my virtual business doors in June 2008 and waited for my clients to find me. And waited. And waited. And six months later . . . I was still waiting! Why wasn’t anyone asking me about my business? Why wasn’t there anyone knocking down my door to work with me? I knew why – it was because people thought I was too young to be in business. And by people I mean me.
That’s right — I was a 22 year old business owner who thought I was too young to be a business owner, and because I had zero confidence in myself as a business owner. I was telling NO ONE about my business. Did I have the skills to assist someone as their VA? Yes — but I was only 22. Did I have my business set up legally, equipped to fully handle any tasks that came my way? Yes — but again, I was only 22. I was shy about telling people I was in business for myself. I didn’t think people would take me seriously as a business owner because, well, I was 22. And because I didn’t take myself seriously, it made it hard for other people to do the same. I found myself not telling anyone about my business and therefore not getting any clients as a result of my non-existent marketing.
In early January 2009, after a lot of self-doubting and pity parties, I decided enough was enough — I was either going to fully commit myself to my business or I was going to quit it altogether and go find employment elsewhere. So, I started talking about my work as a virtual assistant (VA). A lot. And to more than just my mom and close friends. I facebooked about it. I showed off my website. I passed out my business cards. I began to really market myself and my business. The more I took myself seriously as a business owner, the more confidence I began to have in myself and that confidence began to have a positive impact on my virtual assistance business. At the end of January, I began working with my first client, and I haven’t looked back since! I know what really made the difference in my virtual assistance business, aside from marketing my company actively, was my ability to believe in myself as a business owner.
What I’d tell anyone in business for themselves, who may be having self-doubt or a lack of confidence in themselves as a business owner for whatever reason, is to believe in yourself. Remember why you went into business in the first place — because you knew you had a great service or product or idea that the world needed to know about. Keep that same enthusiasm going in your business year-round. Have a great support system in place — mom, friends, spouse, dog, cat — whoever will support you in your dreams to be a successful entrepreneur! Most importantly, never let anyone, even yourself, keep you from believing in your ability to be a successful small business owner!
About Kelly Morrison
Kelly Morrison is a Virtual Assistant and owner of The Virtual Peacock. She works with clients from across the world providing them with top-notch virtual administrative support and assists with tasks such as social media and email marketing, scheduling, customer service support, writing, editing and much more! For more information on Kelly’s work as a VA, visit
I like this: “what really made the difference…marketing”… and “my ability to believe in myself as a business owner.”
To succeed we have to keep our confidence up.
Thanks for the encouragement.
You nailed it. What a wonderful post. We wonder why no one is hiring us when we make ourselves hard to find. I’m sharing this with as any biz people as I can find. Thanks for the positive reminder to first believe in ourselves.
Great article! This article is a must read for all entrepreneurs, especially women entrepreneurs. Your article has given me the inspiration to keep pushing forward! Good job!
Couldn’t agree more!! Confidence is definitely ALL PART OF THE GAME!!! Especially as a young entrepreneur. I always remind myself of the value I KNOW I bring to the table in order to keep pressing forward and shake off any “un-wanted” weary.
Thanks for sharing!
You’re right on target. Believing in yourself is everything. It’s up to us to give ourselves a pat on the back and even to be our own cheerleader.
Kelly – I am so proud of you for sticking it out, but I didn’t know that was going on in your head. You never let on…! What I also know is that the clients you love the most are the ones who are the perfect fit for you. There are ALWAYS clients who are the perfect fit, and there were those looking for a young, savvy gal like you to work with. Let it shine!