The Internet has opened up a whole new field of dreams for aspiring writers trying to make a personal connection with interested readers; only the “if you build it, they will come” mantra doesn’t necessarily apply on the blogging circuit.
It goes without saying that to be a homerun blog post, your blog article must attract and engage readers, but if your strategy only includes writing compelling content, then your posts are certainly going to strike out. That’s because penning a piece is only half the job — in the same way that a gifted athlete doesn’t become a true star without dedicated fans, a great writer can’t become a successful blogger without regular, responsive readers. And to earn those, here are six steps that every blogger should add to his or her lineup, and you’re sure to hit a homerun with your webpage.
Let fans know you’re on the field. There are two types of desirable online readers: those who follow you already, and those who don’t know you but are actively on the hunt for your type of content. The key is to make sure that both groups find you. To stay in touch with the first group of readers, be sure to announce via their preferred social media method (be it Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+) each time you publish content. The simplest method for ensuring you reach everyone is to automate the posting process on your social media sites. This automatically reposts every new blog entry on all of your networks and sites, saving you the effort of having to update each site individually. Increase your exposure by linking to Twitter (via Twitterfeed), Facebook (via NetworkedBlogs), LinkedIn (via Bloglink or WordPress), Google+, Flickr, YouTube, StumbleUpon, etc.
Develop new fans. Giving some thought to the techniques of Search Engine Optimization. By using regularly using commonly sought-out terms within your posts, you can gain a higher spot in search results which can put you ahead of the competition. A tool such as Google Adwords allows you to research the search volume of specific terms to help you select valuable keywords for your post.
Use meta data titles, keywords, and pertinent descriptions for your content. Brainstorm 10 to 20 broad keywords that describe your industry and blog and striving to include a handful of those in each of your posts, including the title and URL. Embedded links can raise your search engine position, so incorporate a variety of links to both your own content and that of third party sites. Use the 150-character explanation that appears under your page’s link in a search engine’s results for every blog post you write. Lastly, get your blog indexed with the big-hitter directories, including Yahoo and Google, so that your site is on their radar.
Get your fans to the game. Once readers are aware of your blog, draw them into your posts using catchy headlines and a punchy intro paragraph. Titles with numbers are often successful because they provide visitors with a quantifiable return on their reading. From there, be sure to vary the manner in which you present your content — from bulleted lists and roundups to reviews and guest posts — so that your blog feels fresh, not formulaic, to regular visitors. Eye-catching photography is a must (be certain to include alt tags, which inform search engines of the image’s content and allow it to be indexed), as this provides visual interest, breaks up a word-filled page, and furthers your SEO efforts — not to mention ingratiates you with the Pinterest crowd.
Get your fans out of their seats. As varied as your posts may be, a dynamic blog can only be achieved with discussion from your audience, so encourage your readers to respond with comments and take the time to react to their posts, engaging in a fluid back-and-forth conversation. Ending your entry with an open-ended question or offering some sort of reward or giveaway to those who post are easy ways to cull responses.
Get your fans rooting for you. Even on the web, word of mouth is one of the best marketing tools available, and social media sites feed directly into the conversation. Include social share widgets for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, StumbleUpon, etc. with every post so that interested readers can pass content along to their friends and colleagues. The more your blog is shared, the more credit it earns with search engines. The virtual corkboard on Pinterest can be another terrific resource for growing your network of cheerleaders. Include a “Pin It” button with your entries so that folks can pin content from your blog on their boards (just remember that your post must have an image in order to be pinned).
About the author: As a key member of the team at, Tim Eyre helps customers care for their cherished belongings that must be put in storage. He also writes about social media, design, recycling, energy conservation and other topics.
Great sports analogies Tim! I like the split focus between fans who follow you already and those who are unaware of you, but are actively looking for similar content. Will definitely be doing some tweaking.
really wonderful weblog. I am also operating on different techniques about how we can use internet websites for internet promotion. And your website really help me lot in that. Thanks for publishing 🙂
Rusty Solomon
Those tips are really useful. Guest posting and commenting are also the best part of SEO Strategy.