I meet people all the time who will offer me their business idea as soon as they hear I’m a small business coach.
I have heard it all, and here’s a secret – everyone has good ideas. I rarely hear a business concept that I think is terrible. Most people walk around with those ideas without a real plan to start their business. And in the rare case that they’ve already started their business, chances are the business is running them, for without a plan they are surely not running it. If you are anywhere near Philadelphia, you need to come hang out with me April 2, 2011 for BYOB2011.
You know as Smallbizlady, my mission is to End Small Business Failure and now I’m hosting BYOB2011, a live conference in Philadelphia 9am-3pm at Community College of Philadelphia to get you on the right track with your small business. I’ll walk you step-by- step through the Emerson Planning system: Life plan, Financial Plan, Validating the Business Concept, Marketing Plan and Business Plan. I also have some special guests stopping by to help you launch and reinvent your business the right way.
Lolly Daskal @LollyDaskal will kick off the day talking about how to lead from within, with the right mindset to start your small business. Lolly believes that each of us is gifted with an inner voice that leads us. She believes that each voice, when heard, allows our true gifts to surface, to empower us, to lead us to our best life. Lolly affirms with those she works with that they indeed have what it takes to reach the next level.
Amy Larrimore @AmyAllStar from SCORE will talk about the financial aspects of starting a business. Amy’s specialty is getting to A from B efficiently, effectively, accurately while getting the most bang for your buck. Her expertise includes all manners of strategic business analysis and technology solutions. You’ll love her.
But wait, there’s more! Stay tuned, I have other special guests who will join us; look for another announcement here on Friday.
Special Bonus: The next 10 people who register for BYOB2011 will get a free copy of my life planning journal http://bit.ly/dWc4H5
No joke — we’ll be hanging out at our Tweetup on April Fool’s Day– April 1st at 6pm at TGI Friday’s on Ben Franklin Parkway.
How’s business lately?