You’ve developed your business ideas. You’ve created a suite of products or services that stand out from the competition. And you’ve assembled a basic outline of how you’re going to meld your brand to the minds of consumers around the world. And that’s all good – but what happens from there? If you’re like most […]
Who is On #SmallBizChat September 2015
#SmallBizChat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #SmallBizChat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss. Join me live every Wednesday, 8PM EST for #SmallBizChat on Twitter. Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and click here for directions on how to join […]
Planning Your Exit Strategy
Selling your business, transferring it to your kids or getting acquired by a Fortune 500 company might be the furthest thing from your mind if you only recently started your business, but it’s never too early to think about your exit strategy. Steven Covey famously wrote, “Begin with the end in mind,” and he was […]