#Smallbizchat takes place on Twitter on Wednesdays 8-9pm Eastern. We use tweetgrid.com to conduct the chat.
The target market for #smallbizchat is emerging entrepreneurs 25-54, who are less than five years in business. We try to balance topics on the chat between challenges for start-ups and issues that would challenge a business with 20 or fewer employees.
We have a fantastic don’t miss line up in April!
April 7 Jeff Pulver @jeffpulver Founder and organizer of the #140 Characters Conference will talk about How the State of NOW Has Changed Small Business. Jeff Pulver is the Chairman and Founder of pulver.com, and one of the true pioneers of the VoIP industry. Pulver is a globally renowned thought leader on new media, author and entrepreneur. His blog is well read within high-tech communities around the world. He is the publisher of The Pulver Report and and creator of the industry standard Voice on the Net (VON) events. Additionally Pulver is the founder of Vivox and is the co-founder of VoIP provider, Vonage.
April 14 Lora Kolodny @LoraKolodny New York Times Small Business Blogger on the You’re the Boss Column on the topic: How to Win a Business Plan Competition Lora has been a working journalist in web and print media since 2002. She currently writes You’re the Boss blog for the New York Times online business section, Ecosalon.com the women’s environmental news and lifestyles site, and RecessionWire.com. Previously, she worked on staff as web editor and business reporter at The Hollywood Reporter, and at the Inc. magazine as the Inc. 500 project manager and a staff reporter.
April 21 We’ll celebrate the 1 Year Anniversary of #Smallbizchat with special guest Michael E.Gerber @michaelegerber International Best Selling Author, The E- Myth Revisited Michael E. Gerber is the founder of E-Myth Worldwide, the coaching, training and education firm he created in 1977 to transform the development of small businesses worldwide. Now approaching its 32nd year, Michael E. Gerber’s extraordinary work has achieved stunning results by transforming more than 65,000 businesses worldwide. Gerber is the author of 13 business books, including the mega-bestseller The E-Myth Revisited.
April 28 Wayne Hurlbert @WayneHurlbert will discuss SEO Basics for Your Small Business Website and Content Wayne Hurlbert is an expert in business blogging, search engine optimization SEO, marketing, public relations and entrepreneurship. Launched his first blog in 2003, he is one of the most influential business bloggers today. Wayne’s influence is quiet and unassuming. Yet, he’s influential nonetheless. In fact, he’s been referred to as the “Yoda” of business blogging. He brings to the table great wisdom and sound business advice about using strategic content to grow your business.
How to participate in #SmallBizChat: http://bit.ly/S797e
Melinda Emerson “SmallBizLady” is a Veteran Entrepreneur, Small Business Coach and Social Media Strategist who hosts #SmallBizChat weekly on Twitter. Melinda also publishes a resource blog on small business best practices at www.succeedasyourownboss.com Her first book, Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months was released by Adams Media in March 2010
Looks like a great line up of guests. Surely, these will be excellent #SmallBizChat’s. Thanks for sharing, I’ll try to make listen in and participate in as many as I can.
.-= Anthony´s last blog ..Social Media Presentation Shared At Builder’s League of South Jersey =-.