The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Blogs, News Releases, Online Video, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly, 2nd Edition by David Meerman Scott ( J. Wiley & Sons, 2010) In 2007, when it originally published, a friend suggested I read The New Rules of Marketing and PR and it changed my business. Now that David Meerman Scott has updated the book, it’s an even a better resource for integrating new school and old school marketing techniques with social media. By embracing the strategies in this book, you will transform your small business. David shows you a multitude of ways to propel yourself into becoming “THE” thought leader in your market and driving sales revenue – all without a huge budget.
Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith ( J. Wiley & Sons, 2009) What I like about this book is that the authors Chris Brogan and Julien Smith help readers understand that today’s social media environment is driven by trust. They emphasize the importance of being present in social media. Chris and Julien also suggest that we need to inject some humanity and intimacy into our online relationships, which I could not agree with more. Once you earn trust from your core audience they will carry your message organically. Once you are a trust agent, you can spread your influence faster, wider, and deeper.
Social Media: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter and Other Social Media by Liana “Li” Evans (Que Publishing, 2010) I love how-to books that are plain and easy to absorb. Social Media by Li Evans is just that kind of book. This book helps you understand how all the most popular sites of the moment work and she helps you with the strategy behind what you might want to use for a certain social media platform. I especially like that she drills home the need to have your messaging consistent across your entire social media footprint. Best of all Li gives you guidance to integrate your traditional and social media marketing tactics — which is perfect, as social media alone should never be a small business owner’s sole marketing strategy.
Using LinkedIn by Patrice-Anne Rutledge (Que Publishing, 2010) This book is for any small business owner who wants to tap into the power of LinkedIn. What I like about this book is that you walk away with real technology skills. Using LinkedIn by Patrice-Ann Rutledge tells me what I need to know about leveraging LinkedIn to the max. This is also one of the first books I’ve seen that has step-by-step video tutorials, web links and audio sidebar interviews with experts that you can download to create a customized learning experience. My favorite chapters for entrepreneurs are: Communicating with Your LinkedIn Network, Saving Time with LinkedIn Tools, Advertising on LinkedIn.
For more tips on starting or growing your small business subscribe to Melinda Emerson’s blog at
Melinda F. Emerson, known to many as SmallBizLady is one of America’s leading small business experts. As a seasoned entrepreneur, professional speaker, and small business coach, she develops audio, video and written content to fulfill her mission to end small business failure. As CEO of MFE Consulting LLC, Melinda educates entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies on subjects including small business start-up, business development and social media marketing. She has been featured on NBC Nightly News, the Tavis Smiley Radio Show, in the Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur and Black Enterprise Magazine. She hosts #SmallBizChat weekly on Twitter for emerging entrepreneurs and publishes a resource blog Melinda is also the author of the national bestseller Become Your Own Boss in 12 months; A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works. (Adams Media 2010)
Thanks for the list Melinda. I have read, Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith and I loved it as well. I will check out the other three.
May I also recommend Socialnomics by Eric Qualman. Inthis book he goes into great detail explaining how Social Media has created a paradigm shift in the way we live and do business.
Lauren McMullen
Thank you for leaving the comment. I will check out Socialnomics by Eric Qualman and follow you on Twitter.
Melinda Emerson
I am pleased that I have one of these books (the one by Evans) after a recent sweep through Barnes & Noble. So many books to choose from. Evans’ book seems worthwhile (I am in the midst of it). Twitter Marketing by Hollis Thomases is proving a useful read as well.
.-= Allen Bramhall´s last blog ..Communication as Translation =-.
HI Allen—
Thank you for the suggestion I will check out Twitter Marketing by Hollis Thomases.
Melinda Emerson