The best way to integrate video as part of your marketing is to GET STARTED! Don’t expect perfection or else you’ll be waiting for a lifetime. Perfection comes with practice and these tips will help get the ball rolling for you and allow you to feel more confident when creating your videos!
1) Don’t let technology stop you! Start your videos now by using the equipment you have on hand. If you own a point & shoot digital camera, camcorder, computer, smart phone or iPad you’re already equipped with all you need to produce a video.
Most digital cameras have a video feature, and the quality will be far superior to a flip-type camera (such as the Kodak products). The only advantage you’ll get from using a Kodak camera over your digital camera is the fact you can use an external microphone for better sound quality.
2) Keep video editing to a minimum! Try to be a one take wonder. You are NOT trying to create Steven Spielberg movies here. You are looking to get your message out to the world in a big way! This in return might get you some juicy media attention for your expertise and NOT your video editing skills!
3) Break down your longer videos: If you are creating longer videos, you’ll want to break them down and use an outline for how you will shoot them in order to minimize editing. If you are trying to shoot a 30-minute instructional video and you make an error in the middle, you’ll need to start over! By breaking things down, you only need to reshoot the short segment.
Here’s how to outline your video: Let’s say you have an intro, then point #1, point #2, point #3, point #4, close with a call to action, then give your contact information. Shoot each segment separately and then upload them into your video editing tool to create a final video!
Another advantage of breaking things down this way is that you can use one of the segments on your YouTube channel to give people a taste of what they’d be paying for when you buy your program.
4) Start by using free editing tools: Both MAC computers and PCs come with free editing tools. I use my iMovie to edit most of my videos. PC users can use the Microsoft Movie Maker. It’s not as powerful as the Apple iMovie, but it will do the job. YouTube has an integrating editing platform that also allows for basic editing. If you want more sophisticated editing, make sure to outsource that function! You don’t need to figure it all out.
5) Let others know about your videos: Once you are done, post your video online on YouTube and then fetch the embed code (and share code) and put the video on your own site. Make sure to also post your YouTube video on Pinterest, Google+, Twitter & Facebook which allows more people to see your videos.
About the author: Krizia (aka Miss K), is an Entrepreneur, Video Marketing Expert, Speaker & International Author! After understanding the power of video, Krizia has made it her mission to educate entrepreneurs by launching — a simple learning program to help entrepreneurs create amazing and impactful video messages and discover how to use video to attract more clients, sales and profits!
I’ve been considering intergrating video into my marketing but I thought I would need to purchase a video recorder or hire a professional in order to make quality, professional-looking videos. Even had it as a budget line item. I didn’t think I could use my computer’s webcam because I didn’t think it would come out nice enough. This will be my weekend project. Thank you for the tip!