If you decide that you want to start using social media marketing to promote your small business, now is a great time to get started. First make sure that your website is helpful, up-to-date, loads quickly and is ready for visitors. You should have at least 3-5 ways to engage prospects on your website. Invite them to sign up for a free quote, product samples or your newsletter. You can always provide a 10 point checklist highlighting your customer’s biggest pain point – such as 10 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy Your Next House. Before jumping on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter, make sure that is where your best target customer hangs out online. Get your game plan together so that you are strategic with time online. Keep in mind that using social media is a long term marketing strategy. It will not start raining money in your business the minute you start using LinkedIn or Google+. You only need to make your mark on some social media platforms to grow your business. Here are my 6 C’s of social media marketing for your small business.
Connect – You want to connect with your customers where they hang out online. Claim your profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and then dominate on one platform first.
Communicate – You should first communicate what your brand is all about. I am SmallBizLady and my mission is to end small business failure. What is your brand statement?
Compelling Content – Content is currency online. If you have the ability to generate valuable content, the world will beat a path to your door. Decide first whether you will write blogs, do audio interviews or podcasts, or videos to build your thought leadership and your brand. If you can, start developing content 2-3 months before you launch your blog presence.
Consistency – Before you launch your content online, it will be important to start building relationships and position yourself as a resource. Spend a few months on your #1 social media platform sharing other people’s content and answering questions. When you start generating content, keep in mind that professional blogs are updated at least 2-3 times a week. Consistency is a key ingredient in social media success.
Community – You want to position yourself as a member of the greater community online. Use the HELP mantra to build lasting relationships with your new social media connections. Help Others, Engage People, Listen First, and then Promote Yourself with Care. It typically takes at least 7 interactions before you have a solid relationship with someone you met online. Do not try to sell too quickly; you can damage a relationship if a prospect feels like you are not genuine or authentic.
Commerce – No one wants to be sold to. If you do your job well, your best target customer will flock to buy from you. Use a 4:1 ratio of promoting other people’s content and event over your own. Obviously you want to sell things, but don’t let that be your only agenda for participating in the conversation.
Do you have any more C’s for social media to share?
Join me Wed Oct 10 at 2-3pm ET for my FREE Webinar How to Be a Twitter Ninja Sponsored by Verizon Go to http://vz.to/PJOzoC to register today.
Don’t forget to Pre-order my new ebook How to Become a Social Media Ninja which will be released Oct. 20th. I’m providing 101 Tips to dominate your competition online. Go to https://succeedasyourownboss.com/products to place your order.
For more tips on how start or grow your small business subscribe to Melinda Emerson’s blog http://www.succeedasyourownboss.com.
Great advises Melinda. I like and agree with this – Help Others, Engage People, Listen First, and then Promote Yourself with Care . Social media is not about having the most connections, followers but how you build quality relationship that stays and grows.
ughhh, I missed the webinar. Great post though! I’m guessing the webinar will be available to listen to later? I hope so. Thank you for what you do Miss Melinda!
I totally agree about quality content. I plan my content out in advance, and it has really been helpful to me and my web design clients.
This interview and blog post was well put together and I enjoyed reading it. The interview content reminded me of how important networking really is.
Thank you for this great advice .& Great points in your strategy.
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