#Smallbizchat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #Smallbizchat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss.
Please join us live on Twitter every Wednesday from 8-9 pm ET. Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and follow the hashtag #Smallbizchat and click here for directions to join the weekly conversation.
In March, we will be covering a lot of topics, including How to Identify Which Social Media Networks are Right for Your Business, How to Protect Your Small Business from Fraud, and How to Lead with Work/Life Balance. March 20th is our special #Smallbizchat LIVE, which is streamed live on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, and we’ll discuss The Few Numbers That Make All the Difference in Business, Building a Business Around Your Lifestyle, and How to Sell a Unique Product to a New Market.
Here is a list of who is on #Smallbizchat in March:
March 6th – How to Identify Which Social Media Networks are Right for Your Business with Adrienne Brown, @adriennejmedia
Adrienne Brown is the Chief Digital Strategist of Adrienne J Media, a Digital Marketing agency located in Atlanta, Georgia. She has 13+ years of marketing and advertising experience and has worked with brands like African Ancestry, National Black Arts Festival and the Keisha Lance Bottoms for Mayor Campaign. Adrienne has a passion for all things digital and for helping fellow small businesses succeed. You can learn more at http://adriennejmedia.com/.
March 13th – Protecting Your Small Business from Fraud with Tiffany Couch, @TheTiffanyCouch
Tiffany Couch is CEO and founder of Acuity Forensics, a nationally recognized forensic accounting firm. Her book, “The Thief in Your Company,” explores the financial and emotional impact of fraud. You can learn more at https://acuityforensics.com/.
March 20th – #Smallbizchat LIVE on Facebook with Ellen Rohr, Donna Maria Coles Johnson, and David Weiss
The Few Numbers that Make All the Difference in Business with Ellen Rohr, @ellenrohr
Ellen Rohr is an owner of ZOOM DRAIN and Sewer Franchising, a Ziglar Certified Legacy trainer and the author un-fussy business books, including Where Did the Money Go? and The Weekend Biz Plan. Learn more at https://ellenrohr.com/tag/zoom-drain/
Building a Business Around Your Lifestyle, Donna Maria Coles Johnson @donnamaria
Donna Maria is an author, blogger, and the host of the popular Indie Business Podcast. Donna Maria started her professional career in a traditional job as an attorney at a Fortune 500 company in her hometown of Washington, DC. After several years practicing law, she left the legal field to pursue her passion for empowering women to maximize their potential through small business ownership. In the years since, Donna Maria founded the Indie Business Network, a trade organization providing entrepreneurial training, mentoring, and product liability services to American Makers. Learn more at www.donnamaria.com
How to Sell a Unique Product to a New Market, David Weiss @EdibleSelfie
David Weiss was born in NYC and has a passion for bringing new products into this world. He enjoys selling face to face as well as at scale. He is the co-founder of Selffee, the first to market edible photo booth. Learn more at www.selff.ee
March 27th – How to Lead with Work/Life Balance, Donnie Hutchinson @Donnie_Hutch
Donnie Hutchinson is the leading first responder work-life balance speaker and eLearning coach. He teaches firefighters, police, EMTs, and hospital staff how to align their day-to-day behaviors with their priorities in life in order to achieve a better work/life balance. Learn more at www.donniehutchinson.com.
Do you have what it takes to be a guest on #Smallbizchat?
You must be a small business owner, author, or subject matter expert to appear as a guest on #Smallbizchat. This chat is focused on educating our business community. Once your topic is selected, you will be required to submit 12 questions and answers in paragraph form to demonstrate your expertise. For details on how to submit your information to be a guest on #Smallbizchat click here.
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