Here’s the answer:
Every Friday, I answer your small business questions in a video blog segment called Ask Small Biz Lady.
This week, we are taking on the question: How can I get my kids to “buy in” to my business?
If you want to get your family to support your business follow these steps:
- Communicate with them and teach them what you do.
- Don’t be afraid to put even the little ones to work; Get them a job in the business
- Share your ideas and ask for their feedback
- Everyone loves to be asked for advice, so you can’t go wrong there.
If you have a question for Melinda Emerson, Small Biz Lady, leave a comment on this blog using the contact us page or send me a note on Twitter @smallbizlady, on Facebook at or you can hit me up on
Hey Chris,I sure appreciate your shanrig your walk through from there to here. It is so helpful that you shared youranalysis of your process and what you’ve identified as possible alternate choices that would have possibly shortened the time to get from there to here. I’m also glad that you recognize the benefits of having made those mistakes. So perhaps they weren’t really mistakes, but rather rich ingredients added to your mulch pile. Fertilizer, if you will.