Every week as SmallBizLady, I conduct interviews with experts on my Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. The show takes place every Wed. on Twitter from 8-9pm ET. This is excerpted from my recent interview with @JeffPulver who is a Technology Anthropologist; Entrepreneur; Early-Stage Seed Investor. Jeff has been called “a habitual entrepreneur who likes to start Internet communications companies.” He is known globally as someone who helped popularize the use of Voice over IP (VoIP) and is a Co-founder of Vonage. In 2009 he created the global #140 Characters Conferences. For more information on #140conf, visit http://140conf.com/ I talked to him about The State of Now, real-time Internet and Your Small Business.
Smallbizlady: You have coined the phrase “The State of Now” What is that?
Jeff Pulver: Living and experiencing information in “The State of Now” is just different when compared to the way we are used to experiencing things. It is the magic about what is going on around you.
Smallbizlady: What impact has Twitter had on small businesses?
Jeff Pulver: Twitter has changed business a lot. Twitter or real-time web has affected the way we all do business. It has changed everything; how we connect with people across all walks of life, but also how we consume information–and our expectations have changed. It’s the disruption occurring around us that has changed every industry.
Smallbizlady: Why did you start the #140conf?
Jeff Pulver: I wanted to explore the effects of twitter on businesses which lead to my discovery of what I call “The State of NOW.” I have continued these events due to the systemic change the worldwide adoption of twitter continues to have.
Smallbizlady: What is your long term goal for #140 character conference?
Jeff Pulver: I want this conference which takes place April 20-21, 2010 in NYC to help make the world smaller by bringing together as many diverse groups of people spread across diverse places around the world.
Smallbizlady: Of all social media, do you like Twitter the best?
Jeff Pulver: I don’t believe in best or worst. Social media offers us platforms to leverage for ourselves. Depending upon what I am trying to do, there are times and places where I prefer to be using Facebook. That said, I believe the widespread adoption of Twitter will cause more systemic change than the worldwide use and availability of Facebook.
Smallbizlady: What industries has Twitter most affected?
Jeff Pulver: Many including: Celebrity, “The Media”, Local Retail, Advertising, Information Marketers, Politics, Music, Education, Public Safety and Public Diplomacy.
Smallbizlady: What are the top two ways to build relationships on Twitter?
Jeff Pulver: Listen & Engage.
Smallbizlady: How long does it take to build community on Twitter?
Jeff Pulver: A lifetime. And a day. Really depends upon how you approach things.
Smallbizlady: What four things should smallbiz owners be doing to grow their businesses using social media?
Jeff Pulver: Four words. Listen, Connect, Share, Engage.
- Listen – they need to become their own Chief Listening Officer.
- Connect – they need to be there to connect with their existing customers and connect with their future customers.
- Share – they need to be there to continue to provide value to their new, existing and potential customers.
- Engage – these are your customers. If you are not willing to make a commitment to be on twitter and care for your customers, you shouldn’t be there at all.
Smallbizlady: What is your response to people who ask: “Do people really make money from Twitter?”
Jeff Pulver: Yes, of course.
Smallbizlady: What is your best small business Twitter success story?
Jeff Pulver: I liked the story you shared last night. I could argue that #140conf is also a small business and we are living the words shared here every day. And that in a world filled with 140 characters I’ve discovered a world of opportunity with an unbounded upside for the future.
Smallbizlady: Is Twitter here to stay?
Jeff Pulver: The real-time internet is here to stay. I hope this includes Twitter.
Smallbizlady: What do you think is going to be the next big thing?
Jeff Pulver: People. Humanity. And making a business from Serendipity.
If you found this interview helpful, join us on Wednesdays 8-9pm ET follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter.
Great stuff. I like the simplicity with which Jeff responded to a lot of these questions. How to build relationships – “Listen and engage”. What are four steps… – “listen, connect, share, engage”. What is the next big thing – “People. Humanity. And making business from serendipity.”
That last response may be a bit too optimistic for me personally but I do think there is some truth in it. We’ve already seen that the people who remember that social media (and just about everything else we do) is social are successful. Guys like Chris Brogan and Gary Vaynerchuk are just two great examples of this; they are human and treat others as humans not just numbers or nameless target market…their business success came and comes from remembering and caring about people and also from lots of hard work (not just serendipity or luck).
To answer why I should go to 140 Conference: It would be a special opportunity for me to learn and connect. After the conference, I’d be able to share what I’ve learned with others to help them better connect with other people and be more successful themselves.
Thank you for your comment. There will be a lot to learn at the #140 Characters Conference. Unfortunately, another writer was chosen for the free ticket , so I hope you can get there another way.
Good Luck,
Mr. Pulver brings up an interesting point from the chat last night. He stated that he started #140 as a means to explore the effects of Twitter on businesses. We feel exactly the same and apply that principal when devising new business applications via social networks. My company, Fetch Plus.com, a boutique interactive social media and mobile applications development company headquartered in Chicago, recently launched www.PRsnaps.com, a website newswire designed for small and midsize businesses to get their news releases distributed by their target market/industry direct to Twitter (and other social networks). We see this tool as a practical and cost efficient way for businesses to not just manage their own PR, but to better participate on the social space. We also see it as a win for bloggers/reporters/journalists to filter through the clutter on the space and find relevant stories and news that often go unheard.
I think it is important for us to attend the #140 conference as it will reinforce to the attendees the continuing evolution of social media and its impact on business.
Carmen— Thank you for your comment. #140 Conference founder Jeff Pulver is the perfect person to convene a conference examining how real-time internet has changed the world as we know it. I think your business concepts sounds like a good one. Unfortunately, another writer was chosen for the free ticket , so I hope you can get there another way.
Good Luck,
I would appreciate an opportunity to got to the #140Conf as I have been exploring Twitter and as @JeffPulver calls it “the state of NOW”for the last three years – and I’ve found it fascinating. The people at the first Social Media conferences I attended in 2007, BlogPhilly & @PodcampPhilly, had such great energy – that they lured my inner Geek Girl out of the closet – and I’ve never looked back.
I think the #140ConfNYC will be full of that same enegry, plus a ton of information that I can take back and apply to helping other small business owners, non-profits and individuals really “get” the state of NOW – and maybe event what’s next. I think we can bring a lot of info back to the #SmallBizChat community we’ve been building on Twitter as well.
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I have met Jeff in person and he gives the best hugs….then he gives great advice and leadership knowledge plus he’s an awesome engaging listener. I have enjoyed the NYC #140conf I have been able to attend. Do to the NYC economy at this time I am financially unable to attend this upcoming two-day series. All my money (really 95% of everything) goes into my small business I’m working on launching. The experience at the conference is amazing though and I believe everyone not living under a rock should attend either the longer conference or at least one of the meet-ups.
Hi Noni–
Thank you for your comment. I also find Jeff Pulver to be on of the most generous people that I have met in the Twitterverse. Unfortunately, we closed the competition on 4/8/10, so I hope you can get there another way. I would love to me you.
Good Luck,
Thank you for your comment. There will be a lot to learn at the #140 Characters Conference. Unfortunately, another writer was chosen for the free ticket , so I hope you can get there another way.
Good Luck,