Eye appeal is buy appeal.
We know this to be true and spend countless time on our appearance, store fronts, marketing, advertising, and branding as a result. Yet many of us ignore the power of video as a way to engage eye appeal at the highest level. There is a place you can advertise yourself and your product and service for free, as much as you like, whenever you like, and it is the second largest search engine in the world.
You and your business need a voice on YouTube.
Many people ask me, “How did you get such a presence on YouTube?” To me it’s an interesting question because before May 2012 I didn’t know anything about YouTube or its power. In May, I decided it was important to ensure I was in as many places as I could be as much as I possibly could. It became very important to me to engage all of social media in order to get my message out and to allow my clients or buyers to see me and hear me from any distance. Social media is free for any of us to use and levels the playing field for us little guys in the mass media market where we don’t have the budget of the big boys to market “traditionally”. With that said, I quickly learned the power of YouTube above all the other media because it is, as Sarah Hill – the woman with the largest Google+ following says, a human media, because people can see you, hear you, and watch how you work. When our clients can see us and the look in our eyes, they more quickly and more often align with us and our message. This is why TV and movies are such powerful mediums to deliver messages. YouTube allows you the same power for free. It also gives you full creative control. You will quickly realize the power of YouTube and the effectiveness of your message through the views, likes, shares, and engagement you receive. When I first engaged on YouTube 6 months ago I was discouraged as I had views in the 30-40 per video range. After almost 5 million views, I have discovered the 5 keys to YouTube success and want you to benefit from them as well.
- Consistency. Just like traditional marketing, a presence on YouTube must be consistent. Ones and twos of anything doesn’t work. You wouldn’t mow your lawn once, clean your house once, or breathe once and you cannot upload one or two messages onto YouTube and expect to make an impact. A commitment to social media marketing and specifically YouTube is just that – a commitment. When you begin uploading content, you must continue or your audience will quickly forget you.
- Sharing. In order to make your message heard, you must ensure you are sharing your YouTube messages across all social media. You may like Facebook but your clients and buyers may like Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, or Google+. Share your message across all platforms in order to get to all of your potential buyers.
- Provide Value. Your clients and buyers want information, insight, details, and how tos. You are the expert in your field and as such, provide your viewers with as much free information as you can. Do you think Coke needs to give away free samples at the grocery store? Not to keep their hold on the soda market. But, they do it to keep their brand at the top of mind, and a small giveaway at the grocery store usually means the purchase of a case of soda on the way out. Give viewers value they can feel and ensure you tickle their fancy to want more.
- Differentiation. Be different. Speak from your voice. No one is like you even if they are in the same industry or providing the same service. I started by putting out 3 minute videos and then eventually added an hour long talk show about sales, business, success, and excellence. It won’t end there. Many more ways of reaching people are still to come. How could you best differentiate yourself in the market and how will you share your expertise?
- KISS. You have heard it said “keep it simple stupid” but to me KISS means “keep it short & sweet”. People will tend not to watch a video for more than 3 minutes unless they are highly invested in the product, service, or person in the video. You can fill a lot of content with 3 minutes. Keep your videos short, concise, and to the point. This keeps people wanting more. So give them just that – more. There is no rule to suggest you cannot provide volume. Just not all at once.
YouTube is a powerful, free, and easy way to market yourself, your product, and service. Don’t let the fear of being in front of the camera stop you from doing something great for yourself and your business. You started a business…that’s the scariest thing anyone can do. In comparison to that, YouTube is a cinch!
Sean Moffett is a catalyst. As a business expert, Sean has made it his mission to see sales professionals and executives inspired, empowered, and equipped to become better than they ever imagined and to rise above mediocrity. By employing his proven methods, corporate clients, fortune 500 executives, professional athletes, entrepreneurs, and the world’s largest charitable organizations have seen their businesses soar. www.themoffettcompany.com
This article is from the SmallBizLady special blog series: 31 Ways to Boost Your Small Business in 2013. #Boost2013
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I couldn’t agree more. Youtube is a very good source of traffic. If you want to increase your business’ popularity. Youtube really has a lot to offer, we can base that on the number of personalities who are popular now through this social media. There’s no reason we can’t use it in business. I myself is using it too.
Amazingness! This is everything that creates perfection for YouTube Videos & Excellence in business. Its also everything that is keeping me from just doing it! The benefit is in someone getting to know you, your truth, your voice, & your opinion. What am I waiting on! Thanks for the inspiration. Be well. Be U.
There is something about being in the front of an audience that attracts energy… no do-overs. But, the camera can be intimidating even when you hold/monitor the camera. It’s one of my goals for 2013…. at least 1/week. Thanks for the reminders about how powerful and relevant YouTube videos as for our businesses.