Design a Daily LinkedIn Prospecting Process


Leveraging LinkedIn for prospecting can be a game-changer for your network growth and business development, especially if you are a B2B business. LinkedIn provides a powerful platform to connect with industry leaders, potential clients, and like-minded professionals. However, effective prospecting requires a structured approach. Here’s a comprehensive daily LinkedIn prospecting process to help you maximize your efforts and achieve your goals to build strong relationships.

  1. Start with Removing Old Outstanding LinkedIn Requests

Why It’s Important: You need to remove any requests that are more than two weeks old. If you have too many old and outstanding connection requests LinkedIn can prevent you from sending anymore invitations. Beware, sometimes you can be banned for a month for this. Clearing these requests regularly ensures that your network remains dynamic and relevant.

Steps to Take:

  • Review Requests: Go to the “My Network” tab and review all pending connection requests.
  • Withdraw Old Requests: For requests that have been pending for over a month, consider withdrawing them. This clears your inbox and allows you to focus on more recent and potentially more valuable connections.
  • Reevaluate Contacts: If you still believe a connection is valuable, you can resend a request or try engaging with their content to warm up the relationship before reattempting to connect.
  1. Write a Daily Value Post

Why It’s Important: Sharing valuable content establishes you as a thought leader and keeps you visible to your network. Consistent posting can drive engagement, attract new followers, and spark meaningful conversations. Keep these posts 300 words or less, but do post artwork or a relevant picture. 

Steps to Take:

  • Identify Topics: Focus on topics relevant to your industry, expertise, or current trends. Consider what your audience will find valuable.
  • Create Content: Write a concise, engaging post. It could be a short article, an insight, a question, or a piece of advice. Include images, videos, or links if applicable.
  • Encourage Engagement: Ask questions or invite comments to foster interaction. Engaging with commenters can deepen your connections and expand your reach.
  1. Reach Out to 5 Quality Contacts You’ve Made on the Platform in the Last 3 Months

Why It’s Important: It’s not about the number of connections it’s about the quality of your relationships. Maintaining and nurturing relationships with recent connections can lead to collaborations, referrals, and new business opportunities. Regular follow-ups ensure your connections remain warm.

Steps to Take:

  • Identify Contacts: Use LinkedIn’s messaging feature to filter and find recent connections from the last three months.
  • Craft Personalized Messages: Send a personalized message to each contact. Mention how you connected, reference any common interests or recent posts, and suggest a virtual coffee chat or phone call to explore synergies.
  • Follow-Up: Keep track of responses and schedule follow-ups. Building relationships takes time, so be patient and persistent.
  1. Send Out 10-20 Connection Requests

Why It’s Important: Expanding your network is crucial for growth. Regularly sending connection requests helps you meet new professionals, discover opportunities, and increase your visibility on the platform.

Steps to Take:

  • Identify PotentialConnections: Look for professionals in your industry, potential clients, or people you share mutual connections with.
  • Personalize Requests: Always include a personalized note explaining why you want to connect. Mention common interests, shared groups, or specific reasons for the connection.
  • Diversify: Don’t limit yourself to just potential clients. Connecting with industry peers, thought leaders, and other professionals can also provide valuable insights and opportunities.

Sample Reach-Out Messages on LinkedIn



  1. Message for Someone with a Mutual Connection or LinkedIn Group

Subject: Connecting Through Our Mutual Connection/Group

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I noticed that we both share a mutual connection with [Mutual Connection’s Name] / or that we are part of the [LinkedIn Group Name] group. I’ve been following some of your recent posts and am impressed by your insights on [relevant topic or industry]. I’d love to learn more about your work and explore how we might collaborate or support each other’s endeavors.

Looking forward to connecting!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

  1. Message for Someone with No Known Connection

Subject: Exploring Synergies in [Industry/Field]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you’re having a great day.

My name is [Your Name], and I’m currently [Your Position] at [Your Company]. I came across your profile while researching leaders in the [Industry/Field] and was particularly impressed by your work on [specific project or area of expertise].

Would you be open to a brief conversation to explore potential opportunities and share ideas?

Thank you for considering, and I hope to connect soon.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Tips for Effective Reach-Out Messages:

  • Personalize: Mention specific details about the recipient’s work or profile to show genuine interest.
  • Be Concise: Keep your message short and to the point, respecting the recipient’s time.
  • Add Value: Highlight potential benefits of the connection, whether it’s sharing ideas, collaborating, or supporting each other’s goals.
  • Call to Action: Include a clear call to action, such as suggesting a conversation or virtual coffee chat.
  • Polite and Professional: Maintain a polite and professional tone throughout the message.
  1. Check Out Who’s Viewed Your Profile

Why It’s Important: Knowing who has viewed your profile can provide insights into who’s interested in you and your business. It’s a great way to identify potential leads and initiate conversations.

Steps to Take:

  • View Insights: Go to the “Who’s viewed your profile” section under the “Me” icon.
  • Analyze Viewers: Look at their profiles to understand their professional background and interests. Identify commonalities or reasons why they might be interested in you.
  • Reach Out: If a viewer seems like a valuable connection, send them a message. Mention that you noticed they viewed your profile and express your interest in connecting. Personalize your message to make it more engaging.
  1. Comment on 5-10 Posts

Why It’s Important: Engaging with others’ content helps you stay visible in your network and demonstrates your interest in industry discussions. It also opens the door for more meaningful interactions.

Steps to Take:

  • Find Relevant Posts: Scroll through your feed or use hashtags to find posts related to your industry or interests.
  • Leave Thoughtful Comments: Share your insights, ask questions, or add value to the conversation. Avoid generic comments and strive to be meaningful and engaging.
  • Follow Up: If your comment sparks a conversation, continue engaging with the responses. This can help deepen your relationships and increase your visibility.
  1. Recommend and Endorse the Skills of 3-5 People in Your Connections

Why It’s Important: The best way to get a recommendation is to give one. Another lower-level activity is to endorsing skills This is a simple yet effective way to show support for your connections. It can also prompt them to return the favor, enhancing your profile’s credibility.

Steps to Take:

  • Select Connections: Choose connections you have worked with or those you know well enough to endorse their skills authentically.
  • Endorse Relevant Skills: Go to their profiles, scroll to the skills section, endorse the skills you know they possess.
  • Leave Recommendations: If you feel particularly positive about a connection’s skills and professionalism, consider leaving a written recommendation. This provides more substantial validation.

A structured daily LinkedIn prospecting process can significantly enhance your networking efforts, helping you build meaningful relationships and discover new business opportunities. By starting with a clean slate, sharing valuable content, engaging with your connections, and consistently reaching out to new contacts, you can leverage LinkedIn’s potential to its fullest.

Implementing these steps will not only help you stay organized but also ensure that your LinkedIn activity translates into tangible business results. Remember, the key to successful prospecting is consistency. Make this process a daily habit, and you’ll see your network and opportunities grow steadily over time.

Pros and Cons of a Paid LinkedIn Account


  1. Enhanced Search Capabilities
    • Pros: Advanced search filters and unlimited search results allow you to find and connect with specific individuals, companies, and job opportunities more efficiently.
    • Cons: While powerful, these features may be underutilized if you do not actively search for contacts or opportunities.
  2. InMail Messaging
    • Pros: Ability to send direct messages to any LinkedIn member, even if you’re not connected. This can be valuable for networking, sales outreach, and recruiting.
    • Cons: InMail credits are limited, and there’s no guarantee of a response. It can also be seen as intrusive if not used thoughtfully.
  3. Profile Views
    • Pros: Access to see who has viewed your profile in the last 90 days, providing insights into who is interested in you or your business.
    • Cons: Knowing who viewed your profile might not always translate into actionable leads or connections.
  4. Learning Resources
    • Pros: Access to LinkedIn Learning, offering a wide range of courses on professional development, skills training, and industry-specific knowledge.
    • Cons: The quality and relevance of courses may vary, and the time investment required to complete them may be significant.
  5. Job Insights
    • Pros: Detailed insights into job postings, such as how you compare to other applicants, which can help tailor your applications and improve your chances of being hired.
    • Cons: These insights are most beneficial to active job seekers and may not provide as much value to users not currently looking for employment.
  6. Sales Navigator
    • Pros: Advanced tools for sales professionals, including lead recommendations, CRM integrations, and detailed insights into prospects.
    • Cons: Sales Navigator is an additional cost on top of the basic LinkedIn Premium subscription and may be expensive for small businesses or individuals.
  7. Recruiter Features
    • Pros: Enhanced capabilities for recruiters, such as advanced search, applicant tracking, and access to more profiles.
    • Cons: These features come at a higher price point and may not be necessary for small-scale recruiting efforts.


  • Cost: Paid LinkedIn accounts can be expensive, especially if you opt for higher-tier plans like Sales Navigator or Recruiter. The cost may not justify the benefits for all users.
  • Limited InMail Credits: Despite the ability to send InMails, the number of credits is limited each month, which can be restrictive if you need to reach out to many people.
  • Learning Curve: Utilizing all the features of a paid account effectively can require a significant learning curve and time investment.
  • Variable ROI: The return on investment can vary widely depending on how actively and effectively you use the premium features. For some, the benefits may not outweigh the costs.
  • Dependency: Relying heavily on premium features might make it challenging to revert to a free account without feeling a significant drop in functionality.
  • Overwhelming Features: The range of features can be overwhelming, and users may find it difficult to navigate and make the most of their subscription without adequate support or training.

A paid LinkedIn account can offer substantial advantages, particularly for professionals who frequently network, recruit, or engage in sales activities. However, it is crucial to assess whether the benefits align with your specific needs and if the cost is justifiable. For many users, especially those not actively job-seeking or engaging in high-volume outreach, a free account may suffice.

Learn more about how to leverage LinkedIn at the www.smallbizladyacademy.com


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