As a small business owner, you likely wear many hats—visionary, manager, marketer, R&D and financial planner. While you’re busy building your dream, it’s essential to also focus on what might seem less urgent but is equally critical: protecting your life and your business. One way to frame this is to think about LIFE, which stands […]
6 Tips to Lower Your Small Business Insurance Costs
Guest Article At the helm of every successful small business is a leader who’s mindful of expenses and vigilant about costs. You also know that uncontrollable factors are a regular risk of doing business, which means small business insurance isn’t an optional expense. So how do you reconcile the need for insurance with the additional […]
Does Your Small Business Have Enough Insurance?
I am concerned that small business owners do not have adequate liability insurance for their businesses, and I wanted to provide information so that you will know what you need to be protected. I reached out to a few insurance experts to help me explain your options and what is needed in a typical small […]
What Kind of Insurance Do I Need For My Start Up?
Guest Article Small businesses need insurance protection just as larger companies do, but when your margins are thin or sales are sluggish, you have to cut costs, which often means forgoing small business insurance. This is doubly true for start-ups that are often short on operating capital. No matter how appealing skipping business insurance may […]
What Kind of Insurance Do I Need For My Home-Based Business?
Guest Article It’s no secret that many, if not most, new small businesses and start-ups are home-based. The days when a “virtual office” sounded new and hip are long past, and it’s practically expected that new enterprises begin as home-based businesses. It’s a great way to save money while engineering those critical first operations and […]
How to Avoid Risks When Becoming a Solopreneur
Guest Article Going it alone when it comes to your means of generating an income opens you up to all sorts of risks. Cash flow can no longer be guaranteed following the abandonment of a full time contract and instead, you will live and die by your own ability, focus and commitment. Of course, there […]