2021 is finally here. I never was big on resolutions. I think they are a waste of time. Developing a strategic plan for the year and SMART goals is a much more valuable exercise. If I learned anything from last year, it’s that tomorrow is not promised. So, I don’t get excited about the new […]
Top 10 Small Business Guest Posts from 2020
In 2020, I was blessed with so many excellent guest blog writers who wanted to contribute to Succeed as Your Own Boss. Writing from a range of experiences and on a wide variety of topics, these articles give small business readers additional perspectives and ideas to consider. As I look forward to the new year […]
11 Ecommerce Marketing Tips to Recession Proof your Business
We’re all going through challenging times. Covid-19 has flipped everything upside down. What was once considered a convenience (ordering online) is now an essential infrastructure. As an eCommerce store owner, you may have actually seen a spike in your sales. But as we slog through an inevitable economic downturn, recession proofing your business is key. For […]