Twitter is a social networking site that is a micro-blogging platform. It is designed for people who need the bottom-line and not much else. In short, if you can’t say it in 140 characters or less, forget about it. Twitter demands that you “hit it and quit it” as James Brown would say.

Can small biz make money from Twitter?
I got on Twitter in 2008 and instantly I had access to anyone I wanted or needed to talk with. I love Twitter because anything I need for my business. I can find on the social networking site. I am able I am going to give you examples of how Twitter has helped me enormously in my business.
I am a book lover and one of the great things about Twitter, is that ability to contact just about anyone who uses it. One of the best marketing books I’ve read in recent years is The New Rules of Marketing and PR by David Meerman Scott. I was so moved by his book I wanted to contact him. Email wasn’t fast enough. So I went to Twitter, found his name @dmscott then sent him an open tweet and got an instant response. I now communicate with him regularly.
Another author Twitter experience was my interaction with @thewritermama. She wrote a great book Get Known Before the Book Deal, which I really enjoyed as I was getting my first book completed. Her book explained how the publishing industry worked and how to build a marketing platform, which very was helpful at the time. I reached out to the author Christina Katz on Twitter to tell her how much I liked her book in an open tweet. She was so moved by me reaching out to her, she offered to read an early draft of my forthcoming book, Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months, and write a blurb for the cover.
I was in need of a new assistant and was far too busy to hire one, (which of course is why I desperately needed one). Every Wednesday on Twitter I host #SmallBizChat which is a Tweetchat (or Twitter Talkshow as I like to call it) to help emerging entrepreneurs get answers to their questions as they start and grow their small businesses. After the first, one or two chats, a woman approached me on Twitter and offer to produce a weekly transcript of each chat. This was great for participants and anyone who missed it. After she did a few transcripts we built a relationship and now Sonia Schenker @yourjobmyoffice is my virtual assistant and my right hand.
Twitter has grown my @SmallBizLady coaching brand. I have gotten several coaching clients and hundred of business contacts. I have also been invited for at least five speaking engagements, numerous blog talk radio interviews, and to do guest blog posts on several major small business websites just because of the content, resources and blog posts I tweet out regularly on Twitter.
Twitter is also an excellent resource for vendors and quick questions. In fact the header for the blog you are reading with designed by @paintermommy who approached me on Twitter to offer her services. There have been many days when I needed an answer to a technical question about Wordpress or a media contact at Good Morning America and my Tweeps rush to my aid with answers in minutes.
Twitter has a culture which you should learn before you dive in, but once you find your niche it’s an amazing resource to grow any small business.
I often get asked, “Do people really make money using Twitter or are they just talking about what they had for breakfast? Absolutely, that is what I use Twitter for.
Do you have a Twitter story to share? I would love to hear it so please leave me a comment.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, E-NEWSLETTER OR WEB SITE? You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
For more tips on how start or grow your small business subscribe to Melinda Emerson’s blog
Melinda Emerson “SmallBizLady” is a Veteran Entrepreneur, Small Business Expert and Social Media Coach who hosts #SmallBizChat on Twitter. #Smallbizchat is the trusted resource on Twitter to discuss everything entrepreneurs need to know about launching and running a profitable small business. Melinda’s first book, Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months: A Month-by-Month Guide to Start a Business that Works. is scheduled to be released by Adams Media in March 2010.
Melinda, since meeting you on Twitter, my life plan and my business plan have come together. Thank you for walking the walk, talking the talk and showing me that there is still a way to make a living in this economy. An instant fix? No way. Sustainable — yes! I’m only one in the crowd. There are millions of startup business owners like me who are benefitting and will continue to benefit from your smart, sound – real world advice. Here’s to YOUR success!
I love entrepreneurs who seek good advice and then take it. I think your business is going to be a huge success. I certainly consider you a secret weapon in my business.
To your business success.
Melinda you make very good points and gave some great examples. Many people still don’t get how vaulable twitter can be for businesses, particularly for small businesses and entrepreneurs. I have a college planning service and have found people from across the country that I have developed business relationships with. I am writing articles for a website for students interested in college that draws thousands of high school students, as a result of a twitter contact. I also have traded websites links with twitter contacts whose websites would be of interest to my clients (and vice versa), such as a discount college book search engine. I have made referrals to local businesses that I follow on twitter and have had twitter friends refer business to my college planning services. The possibilities and potenial of twitter for business are huge!
Thank you for your comment. Twitter is powerful tool and I think more small businesses and organizations to get on board. The rewards are endless.
To Your Twitter Success—
Melinda, this is such an upbeat and refreshing message. I am routinely pummeled with negative comments from small business owners who claim that Twitter is “just a waste of time.” Your post has added to my arsenal of real and practical examples to counter those comments. Thanks for this rich testimonial and all the spirit imbedded in it.
All the best,
~DawnLennon(@businessfit on Twitter)
If Twitter is not working for a small business owner, they are not staying focused on their strategy and providing enough value. Twitter works, if you work it.
I want to learn more about your business.
My best to you–
Thanks so much for the mention! I love Twitter for exactly the reasons that you have listed. Twitter has opened up so many doors of opportunity for me and my business – I am still amazed sometimes. 🙂
.-= Dawn (Painter Mommy)´s last blog ..Our Apartment Flooded — Had to Pack & Leave =-.
A lot of people are down on social media as a waste of time. I know better and I just wanted to share a few examples of how it has worked for me. Glad to give your a shout out.
Here’s To Your Twitter Success–
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~;~ I am very thankful to this topic because it really gives great information ~~-
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