This week on #Smallbizchat LIVE our show featured three guests: How to get growth that lands you on the Inc. 5000 list with Rod Brown, @RoderickLBrown, The Business of Storytelling with Sue Young, @sueyoungmedia, and Profiting From Podcasts: How to leverage the power of podcasts to build your business with Steve Olsher, @steveolsher. I pulled three […]
How to Develop a Business Strategy – Part 1
September is the perfect time to start looking ahead to first quarter 2019. The fall is right time to start thinking about your business goals and then engage your team in developing a new business strategy. Winging it is NOT a strategy, yet too often business owners venture into new markets without a specific target […]
How Does Your Business Change Once You Hit $1M in Revenue?
We all dream of it: making $1 million in revenue. This arbitrary number has become a symbol for success for small business owners, and while struggling to reach this major milestone, realize this: once you get there, the way you run your business will change. In fact, it probably will have evolved over time as […]
How to Handle Rapid Business Growth
Every week as SmallBizLady, I conduct interviews with experts on my Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. The show takes place every Wednesday on Twitter from 8-9 pm ET. This is excerpted from my recent interview with Donna Smith Bellinger @askdsb. Donna Smith Bellinger, also known as Your Business Revenue Accelerator, is an award-winning business coach, international […]