#Smallbizchat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #Smallbizchat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss. Please join us live on Twitter every Wednesday from 8-9 pm ET. Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and follow the hashtag […]
Is Your Small Business Ready for Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday?
You might feel like a real underdog with all the major retailers slashing pricing and offering FREE shopping this holiday, but fear not. There are numerous ways that small businesses can maximize their profits during the holiday shopping season too, you just need to be prepared. In this article, we’ll talk everything Black Friday, Small […]
How to Establish Business Credit
If you are in business most likely your personal credit has been your business credit, but did you know that you can establish business credit. Cash challenges are real. We have all been there, needing cash flow to make payroll, purchase inventory, hire new employees and expand but can’t because the capital isn’t available without […]
Who’s on #Smallbizchat October 2018
#Smallbizchat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #Smallbizchat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss. Please join us live on Twitter every Wednesday 8-9 pm ET. Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and follow the hashtag #Smallbizchat and click here for directions […]
How to Develop a Business Strategy – Part III
Developing a business strategy is all about looking at where you want your company to be in the next 3-to-5 years and figuring out what you need to do now to get there. If you spend your days constantly putting out fires in your business, it’s doubtful that you have much time for developing a […]
How to Develop a Business Strategy – Part II
Your business strategy is your roadmap to business success, but it needs to be adjusted annually. You and your team should take a look at your business strategy every fall to plot out your sales objectives and goals for the new year. 2019 is just around the corner, and you should start your planning process […]
How to Bring Minimalism Into Your Small Business
Guest Article Ever visited a home designed around the simple principles of minimalism? From the moment you enter the space, it’s obvious that something is different. Clutter is nearly nonexistent. The few knick knacks that made the cut actually have purpose. The space somehow seems bigger. When you’re in a place like this, you feel […]
3 Ways to Remain Productive During the Summer
Sponsored Post Though we’re about halfway through it, there’s still a lot of “summer” remaining on the calendar. Which also means that there are still lot of potential “summer slump” distractions that can deter one’s focus on operating a small business. As an on-the-go entrepreneur, I am an extreme believer in the age-old adage that […]
How the Boost Your 3rd Quarter Sales
This week kicks of the beginning of third quarter which means you have basically a little more than five months to reach you annual revenue goal. But if you are too busy making the donuts to focus on closing your next large donut order you will soon have yet another cash crunch. If you are […]
Five Steps to Freedom from Feeling Overwhelmed
Guest Article As a small business owner, we all feel overwhelmed at times, and it can be a debilitating. It is not only frustrating and miserable, but it keeps us from achieving our goals and delivering value to the world. My most recent experience was a couple months ago when I was trying to use social […]