Oprah Winfrey is my hero. I never thought about being an entrepreneur until she got on my radar when I was in college in the early 90’s. It was around that time that she opened Harpo Studios in Chicago, making her the third woman in the American entertainment industry (after Mary Pickford and Lucille Ball) to own her own studio. She immediately went from being just a daytime talk show host to becoming a media mogul. And it was awesome to watch. The biggest thing she did for me was show me that I could do it too. I have studied her every move in business. I had an Oprah file for a year before starting my production company in 1999. Any article I could get my hands on about her business I would devour, print and keep. What I love about her most is that she has never been about goals. Oprah Winfrey has always been about growth. She has constantly evolved. That and her business acumen will leave a lasting legacy to all business owners to come. Here are 6 Things Oprah Winfrey taught us about business. 1. Find your calling. Oprah said in her final show that every day she walked on stage she felt that she was exactly where she was supposed to be. If you have no life plan, you are most likely following someone else’s agenda for your life. Live on purpose! Don’t be one of these entrepreneurs with an endless to do list, exhausted at the end of day— getting nowhere fast and not making any money. Oprah urged us to follow our own truth. God speaks to us though visions and dreams. Pay attention to what he is showing you about your destiny and build a business around that. 2. People show you who they are the first time. If a prospective customer approaches you, acting like an impossible nightmare, that is exactly who they are and how they will behave if you move forward in business. Do not allow your need for money or a contract force you to tolerate someone who does not value your professional expertise. You will never be paid enough money to make it worth it. 3. Oprah owned a broad niche. Oprah targeted a demographic that was women of all ages and income levels. She developed shows that would appeal to career women, working moms, stay-at-home mothers, grandmothers, retirees, high school and college students. And her audience was loyal because she helped them be better, live better, and find a correct fitting bra. 4. OWN your mistakes. In the wake of disappointing ratings at OWN, The Oprah Winfrey Network, Oprah’s latest venture in partnership with Discovery Networks, Oprah made a change at the top. Network head Christina Norman, abruptly left the 4-month-old cable channel at the beginning of May. How many of us wait until it’s too late to make changes in our businesses? Evaluate what is going on in your business and do not be afraid to change course if you need to. 5. Know that you are worthy of success. Often times we know what we deserve, but the thing that keeps us from truly capturing it is internalizing that we are worthy of all God has for us in our lives and businesses. 6. Be willing to do what it takes. Oprah never missed a day of taping on her show in 25 years. She knew that showing up was the most important element in her success equation. Are you willing to do all that it takes to make your business a success? I have begun to reach major success in my business, but I started being your SmallBizLady in 2007. There is no such thing as overnight success. What lessons have you learned from Oprah in your small business? For more tips on how start or grow your small business subscribe to Melinda Emerson’s blog http://www.succeedasyourownboss.com. Melinda F. Emerson, known to many as SmallBizLady is one of America’s leading small business experts. As a seasoned entrepreneur, professional speaker, and small business coach, she develops audio, video and written content to fulfill her mission to end small business failure. As CEO of MFE Consulting LLC, Melinda educates entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies on subjects including small business start-up, business development and social media marketing. Forbes Magazine recently named her one of the Top 20 women for entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter. She hosts #SmallBizChat Wednesdays on Twitter 8-9pm ET for emerging entrepreneurs. She also publishes a resource blog www.succeedasyourownboss.com Melinda is also the author of the national bestseller Become Your Own Boss in 12 months; A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works. (Adams Media 2010)

About Melinda Emerson
Melinda F. Emerson, “SmallBizLady” is America’s #1 Small Business Expert. She is an internationally renowned keynote speaker on small business development, social selling, and online marketing strategy. As CEO of Quintessence Group, her Philadelphia-based marketing consulting firm serves Fortune 500 brands that target the small business market. Clients include Amazon, Adobe, Verizon, VISA, Google, FedEx, Chase, American Express, The Hartford, and Pitney Bowes. She also has an online school, www.smallbizladyuniversity.com, that teaches people online marketing and how to start and grow a successful small business and publishes a blog SucceedAsYourOwnBoss.com. Her advice is widely read, reaching more than 3 million entrepreneurs each week online. She hosts The Smallbizchat Podcast and is the bestselling author of Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months, Revised and Expanded, and Fix Your Business, a 90 Day Plan to Get Back Your Life and Reduce Chaos in Your Business.
I think you pointed out the lessons really well:) Oprah is definitely one incredible woman! Great post!
Great reminders, Melinda. As Oprah morphs into whatever is next for her, we should never forget the road she paved for those traveling the same path.
From Oprah I learned OWNership. To live a calling you have to be the boss.
That is a great point you bring up Yalanda. Once Oprah took ownership of her brand and her company, her rocket took off in a way I don’t think she even realized at the time.
Is there anything that she can’t do. Following her example is just plain smart! The woman is the 9th wonder of the world!
Great summary! So many valuable lessons. I’m especially impressed with #3 – amazing how she successfully relates to so many people.
Nicely done. Best lesson definitely is “find your calling” as this will provide the needed passion and energy to devote to your business. Interesting lesson: “owning a broad niche.” I have seen the opposite as well, namely focusing on, mastering, and gaining a good repution, for work in a specific industry segment or skill area. These in turn can allow you to bill accordingly.
Thanks for a good read.
Not and Oprah fan. (Sorry.) I can’t really argue with any of your points. Whatever I think of her, she is an exceptional business woman.
Great Post. I respect Oprah for being true to herself and living out her dream. Looking forward to checking out her OWN network.
Awesome post. I think you shared just the right points needed. I learned from Oprah to be my Authentic Self (she was) and understand that you will not be the most popular just for being you. Make no apologies. She’s an extraordinary individual.
What unfolded over 25 years as this amazing woman who helped people publicly and privately over her lifetime was astonishing. It is easy to see her now as this bright shiny, beautiful star but we cannot forget the day to day grind, the let-downs and the highs, the ugly and the beautiful things she went through. Her statement at the end of always feeling “guided by an unseen hand, never alone” from the time she was a little girl says volumes. If there was a way to do a survey of how many people can say they have felt “guided by an unseen hand” on their lives, it would make a most fascinating book. Melinda Emerson are you up to that?
I’ve learned from Oprah that our weight matters, but it doesn’t define us as human beings.
I’ve struggled with it just as she has and does. But it doesn’t make me any less stellar an online reading teacher for struggling kids. It is unrelated to my skills as a human being: I’m kind, I care for my friends and family, and I’ll go to the ends of the earth to help you if you or your cause matters to me.
Thanks, Oprah, and thanks, Melinda, for a terrific post! 🙂
Hi Melinda-
I have been a fan of Oprah for years. I remember the first national Oprah Winfrey Show and what I love and admire about her is her continued growth and willingness to share her ups and downs with the world.
She is a phenomenal business person and an even better human being. I loved reading your post and I recently wrote an article on my blog about the Oprah effect that I’d like to share with you and your readers if that all right, ==> http://goldasmith.com/oprah-effect-lessons-network-marketing-professionals/
I’ve learned so many lessons that it difficult to recall most of them now but a few that come to mind are I can be a better me than try to be a knock off of someone else. Another lesson is that I must always trust that small voice that I sometimes hear whispering to me. When I don’t, it usually leads to trouble. The last one that I’ll share…because I could go on and on, is that I AM enough. Thank you Oprah and thank you Melinda 🙂
I couldn’t have put it better myself.
To reach your higher self and maximize your full potential mentors and leaders in your life are needed.
Oprah’s niche is women but as a man I can still follow her lead, be inspired, and pick up valuable lessons with the right perspective.
I personally enjoy many of the content she is putting out in the OWN network, it is helping my business tremendously.
Excellent post. She is a truly amazing business woman who followed her heart and remained caring and compassionate as she grew her business. She is a terrific example of what is achievable if you just go for it.
Thanks for sharing.
Awesome post! #2 was a doozy! It’s so true when dealing with difficult or impossible people–they will continue to be that way. Getting locked into business with them can be a death sentence!