As a small business coach, not a week goes by that someone doesn’t say, “I need your help, I know I am meant to start a business, but I don’t know what kind of business I should start”. Now, I specialize in helping people map out a plan once they decide to start a business, […]
Managing Stress In Your Business
If you tell yourself that you are going to have a good day, it is far more likely to happen. That said, all of us all too often have days when we feel like a one-armed wall paper hanger; there are never enough hours in the day. The key to managing our daily task list […]
How to Recession Proof Your Business!
Are you tired of hearing about the slowing economy? Fewer openings, more layoffs and everyone wants more for less, while the expenses keep creeping up. Banks are getting tough with their lending practices. Times are tight, but this is a perfect time for an aggressive small business. Get smart about your marketing and business operations […]
4 P’s of Small Business Success
Most of us do not enjoy the feeling of rushing from one thing to the next. Starting a business can make you feel that way, particularly if you did not take enough time to plan from the beginning. It does feel chaotic at times. You might need to deal with customer requests, follow-up from networking events, there’s […]
Newsflash–Nobody Cares About Your Business!
This may seem harsh, but if you do not take the time to build and maintain relationships with your customers your direct mail, emails, brochures, and that voicemail you left at 4pm on Friday is all headed for file zero or the delete button. All your customers care about is WIIFM or What’s in it […]