Writing Your Way to Greater Sales in Your Small Business, by Shannon Harmon Say it with me, “Content, Content and More Content.” We’ve all heard the stories about bloggers who create blogs that generate thousands upon thousands of dollars each month in revenue. They’re living on an island somewhere sipping something delicious and blogging their […]
Archives for 2011
How to Write a Business Plan Part III
In Part I and Part II of this blog series on how to write a business plan, I have walked you through clarifying the business idea, marketing analysis, defining the business opportunity and customer profile, finding your niche and developing a sales plan and marketing budget. Now, I want you to define how you are […]
Ask Smallbizlady: When is it Time to Quit Your Job to Pursue Your Small Business
Every Friday, I’m creating a new segment called Ask Small Biz Lady. I’m posting video answers to your frequent small business questions. This week, we are taking on the question when do you know it’s time to leave you job to operate your small business full-time. Here’s the answer: Work both the job and the […]
How to Use Google Analytics to Grow Your Business
Each week as Smallbizlady, I conduct interviews with small business experts on my weekly Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. This is excerpted from my #SmallBizChat interview with Pierre DeBois @ZimanaAnalytics. Pierre is the founder of Zimana (www.zimana.com), a consultancy providing strategic analysis to small and midsize businesses that rely on Web analytics data. SmallBizlady: Why is web analytics […]
Is That Newest Opportunity a Distraction?
Is That Newest Opportunity a Distraction?, by Karen L. Jett, CMA I just received an invitation to a free Covey conference call about extending trust while increasing accountability. For someone who is passionate about ethics and helping people and companies to grow, my first reaction was: This is awesome – will I be available? My […]
How to Write a Business Plan Part II
Once you know what business you are in, it’s time to figure out who’s going to buy from you and why. You are just someone with an idea until you develop a business plan. In other words, if you haven’t written your plan yet, your business is still in the fantasy stages. In Part […]
How to Create a Profitable Sales Funnel
Every week as SmallBizLady, I conduct interviews with experts on my Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. The show takes place every Wednesday on Twitter from 8-9pm ET. This is excerpted from my recent interview with Hugh MacFarlane @funnelguy Hugh has 20 years+ experience in working with Business owners, Boards, CEOs, Directors of Sales and Marketing with products […]
Where will Social Media Lead You in 2011?
Where will Social Media Lead You in 2011? By Barbara Pender Mobile marketing will be among the hottest trends. Are you ready? Here is a checklist of the basic items you need to have and to hold as you begin to marry into this next rampant stage of Social Media. I promise to leave you […]
How To Write A Business Plan – Part 1
Every small business needs a plan for success. Simply stated, a business plan is your strategy for bringing your product or service to the marketplace. I am so fed up with people starting businesses without a road map for reaching their business destination. That said, I am going to walk you step by step through […]
Finding and Keeping Clients Using Social Customer Relationship Management
Each week as Smallbizlady, I conduct interviews with small business experts on my weekly Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. This is excerpted from my #SmallBizChat interview with Howard Yermish @hyermish. Howard has worked professionally in Internet development since 1993. Howard has consulted on projects for clients such as AOL, Commerce Bank, Disney, Kaiser Permanente, Mattel and Microsoft, as well […]