I recently received an email from a contact of mine, asking for my support of his film From the Rough, starring Academy Award nominee Taraji P. Henson. The film is based on the true life story of an African-American woman who created a men’s golf team at Tennessee State University. The movie has already been […]
How to Enhance Your Restaurant Marketing
Guest Article Whether you are opening a new restaurant, or already have one, it is necessary to ensure that your customers are getting good value. What should be the strategy to market a restaurant business? Investing a lot of money in your restaurant business may not bring you the desired success. It is necessary to […]
Ask SmallBizLady: How to Price Your Speaking Services
Speaking is a great way to brand yourself and your business, but doing it professionally is another matter. Here’s a question from one of my Facebook fans on how to price your speaking services. Question: I’ve been asked to be a guest speaker at a nonprofit leadership conference and they would like me to submit […]
The Advantages of Being Small and Broke in a Small Business
Guest Article When we started the Barefoot Wine brand, our two biggest fears were being small and broke. In retrospect, they were our two biggest strengths and we didn’t even know it! Barefoot is now the #1 wine brand in the United States. Its success has given the wine industry permission to be fun and […]
Why You Need To Build An Email List, and Not a Social Media Profile
Guest Article I’ve got news for you — when you’re building your social media profile (and not your email list), you’re setting yourself up for failure. Here’s why: Your goal with social media should be to drive traffic back to your own website. Once your target lands there, you’d best have at least three ways […]
Should You Be Leveraging LinkedIn for Sales in a Small Business?
Can LinkedIn really increase sales in your small business? I say absolutely YES. The reason why LinkedIn is so valuable for reaching potential clients is because you can target specific groups of people easily and you can gather all kinds of information for making a connection. “Because the client was able to look at my […]
How to Market Your Business as a Solopreneur
Guest Post Solopreneurs are a unique breed of people forced to juggle multiple business functions while running their businesses on a day-to-day basis. For many solopreneurs, their greatest skills lie not in marketing, but in creating the products or services that they sell. Additionally, entrepreneurs who run their own sole proprietorships likely don’t have a […]
How to Use Images to Build Your Online Reputation
Guest Post Images are a powerful and dynamic storytelling tool. They can convey a message within a glance and can therefore make your website stand out from the rest. Images, such as those found on your website and infographics, can be a powerful marketing tool, especially for startups looking to earn links and gain recognition […]
How to Get Started with Email Marketing
Guest Post Nothing else in email marketing is more important than having a strong relationship with your email list subscribers. Do things right and you’ll have a super responsive list of recipients, which is gold in the email marketing game. Most likely your list is in QuickBooks or a spreadsheet. The most common is a […]
5 Marketing Tips to Keep More Customers in 2013
I’m a customer relationship management (CRM) guy and have been for the better part of the last ten years. These systems help small businesses automate marketing processes to more efficiently close deals, and do a better job of building customer relationships. With more small businesses turning to CRM apps and services to help with marketing […]