Should you have good pricing or great pricing? Our first instinct is to have great prices that will permit us to crush the competition, gain market share and fuel fast growth. The usual problem is that great prices typically provide slim profit margins. Good pricing, however, over the long term, should create enough profitability to […]
Managing The Stress In Your Small Business
When you put out your shingle that says open for business, you immediately take on 10-14 jobs all at once. Even the best multi-tasker, can become a spaghetti brain at times, especially when everything happens all at once. How you handling stress is a key ingredient in your long-term success in business. Here is a […]
Who’s Going to be on #SmallBizChat July 2012?
Join me live every Wednesday, 8PM EST for #SmallBizChat on Twitter. Here’s how: follow @smallbizchat on Twitter and click here for directions on how to join the conversation. July 4 – There will be no show – Happy Independence Day! July 11 – Octavia Conner @SmartChoicellc1 – Simple Bookkeeping Strategies for Busy Small Business Owners July 18 – […]
How to Prepare for Irregular Income in a Small Business
Owning a business is great. You have unlimited earning potential, get to be your own boss, and live outside a gray cubicle. It is the American Dream. Except when it isn’t. The dream can quickly become the American Nightmare when the bills appear faster than clients’ payments. It plays out as a vicious cycle, but […]
How Can Your Small Business Stay Innovative?
Are you struggling to stay innovative in your small business? In order to stay relevant in a noisy marketplace, the most successful startups boldly embrace a culture of innovation. They consistently roll out blockbuster ideas to stay out in front of potential, new and current customers. Small businesses with their limited resources can hit a […]
SmallBizLady’s Biggest Fan Contest
Entrepreneur Mentor Melinda F. Emerson, “SmallBizLady” wants to know if you are her biggest fan. If you are, she’s thinks you should come to her 40th Birthday Party where she’s launching the Melinda F. Emerson Foundation for small business success. You have the chance to come to the City of Brotherly love to be part […]
Who is on #SmallBizChat September 2012?
Join me live every Wednesday, 8PM EST for #SmallBizChat on Twitter. Here’s how: follow @smallbizchat on Twitter and click here for directions on how to join the conversation. September 5: Pat Flynn @patflynn: How to Generate Passive Income from Your Website – Pat shares information about developing passive income at September 12 Maria Stevens @smallbizchatter: How to […]
Who is on SmallBizChat November 2012?
Join me live every Wednesday, 8PM EST for #SmallBizChat on Twitter. Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and click here for directions on how to join the conversation. 11/7: Serial entrepreneur Michael Annichine CEO of FlyerCity Media @metromevip on How to Develop a Mobile App for Your Small Business. For more info visit: 11/14: […]
How to Spread Holiday Cheer to Your Employees During the Season
Sponsored Post The holiday season is upon us, and while there is a rush to get as many sales rung and deals closed as possible before the New Year, don’t forget to make sure that you also spread holiday cheer to your valued employees. You can make cards for your staff, plan an open house for […]
SmallBizLady’s Best Blog Posts of 2013
Every week I publish articles on this blog because I want you to succeed as your own boss. My mission is simple: to end small business failure. There are times when I write things based on questions I am frequently asked and then there are other times when I recall a hard learned lesson in my […]