Discussing fees with prospects can be one of the most challenging parts of the sales process, especially for women entrepreneurs. It’s a sensitive topic that, if not handled well, can lead to discomfort, misunderstanding, or even the loss of a potential client. However, with the right approach and money mindset, you can make these conversations […]
The SmallBizChat Podcast: Strategies for your Amazon Business Success with Steven Pope
In this episode, Steven Pope shares his journey to becoming the Amazon Guy, offers tips on selecting products, conducting market research, and competitive analysis. He discusses pricing strategies, Amazon fulfillment vs. self-shipping, and ways to drive traffic and sales on Amazon. Steven Pope is the founder of My Amazon Guy, a marketing agency managing 300+ […]
When Should You Update Your Pricing?
Pricing is one of those things that can make or break your small business. Set it too high, and you’ll scare customers away; too low, and you’re leaving money on the table. Chances are you put considerable thought into your pricing when you started your small business. But pricing isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it task. What worked […]
The SmallBizChat Podcast: Pricing Tips and Other Strategies for Service-Based Businesses with Bridget Brown
Bridget Brown is the Owner and Lead Web Developer of Pages and Post, a digital design agency based in Alabama. Bridget—a mechanical engineer by profession—served in the energy and aerospace industry before founding Pages and Post. She served as an engineer for the Southern Company and as a staff engineer and flight controller for the […]
How to Choose a Pricing Strategy for Your Small Business
Pricing is often difficult when you operate a small business, but you must get it right. In this article, I’ll cover this complex topic with some general advice on how to choose a pricing strategy for your small business. Pricing strategy is part art and part science, and there is much to consider. Let’s dive […]
10 Important Questions for the Struggling Business Owner
When your business is struggling, and especially if it’s been struggling for a while, there are some hard questions that you need to ask yourself to figure out what to do next. Have you taken a hard look at your business? Have you looked at your customer lists? Or your Google analytics? The answers for […]