As small business owners the one thing we all have in common is that we have limited time and limited resources. While we must all constantly be on the hunt for new customers, it is critically important to recognize who is worth chasing. Since your time is the most valuable thing you can give anyone, […]
What’s in YOUR Business Plan?
You’re a smart, savvy business owner. You’re making a profit – even in these tough times. But you’re looking at other business contacts around you – especially on the Internet. You see that they seem to be earning more than you do – almost effortlessly. Why is that? They have a plan, man! Yup. Folks […]
How to Find the Right Manufacturer for Your Small Business
The biggest challenge business owners that invented a product face is finding a partner to manufacture their product. Most of the small business owners in my network use foreign manufacturers in China. Here are some tips on how to do your due diligence with potential manufacturers. The first advice I give is to look for […]
The Lifeline of Your Business: 5 Rules to Loving Your Sales CRM
Guest Article Don’t hate your sales CRM. It’s your friend. Really it is. An effective CRM – Customer Relationship Management – system can be the lifeline of your business. I have had the pleasure of using five different CRM systems (plus spreadsheets, notebooks, and my good old memory) over the last 15 years. Quite frankly, […]
The Daily Deal Isn’t Dead Yet
We all know that consumers are not as excited about the Groupon emails that land in their inboxes as they used to be, and we’ve all heard the horror stories of businesses that were overwhelmed or even destroyed by a poorly planned campaign. But, some businesses are making them work. Here’s one. 24-year-old Jacomo Hakim, […]
How Your Small Business Can Have a Big Brand
Guest Article Tiny. Miniscule. Small. When it comes to business, “small” shouldn’t be seen as a disadvantage. To the contrary, being a small business opens the door for making a huge impact as “the next big thing”. Big brands take advantage of this newness of locality all the time. It’s how they flourish through franchising. […]
How to Retain Employees in Your Small Business
Guest Article Small businesses may not be able to offer a huge benefit package or the salary of a major corporation to employees, but they don’t have to. The smart ones have a secret weapon that’s even more effective at attracting and keeping the best employees. It’s the opportunity to be part of something and […]
10 Things Your Employees Need From You As A Small Business Owner
Your business can only grow as far as your hand can reach, which means you need employees. But your employees need to have a win/win relationship with you. Your employees are the engine that drives your business, but how well are you taking care of your most valuable asset? Are you focused on making sure […]
5 Tips for the Entrepreneur Seeking Funding
Guest Article These are heady days for entrepreneurs and founders. Economic indicators look positive and the taper is happening. Unemployment is down, housing starts are up and so is the stock market. If there is any downside to this news, it has to be that interest rates may begin to rise, fractionally of course, but […]
What Will Be Your Competitive Differentiator in 2014?
It’s easy to get caught up in the New Year, new products mindset, but sometimes it doesn’t take a big shift to grow your business – just a minor one. I like the idea of taking the end of the year to regroup and go back to basics. One of the fundamental questions every business […]